Anyone else have chicks shipping this week?

Hey that is the exact same box setup / straw and top we got our chicks in-- ours came from (California Hatchery) I know MPC sources chicks from other Hatcheries-- ours were really good too-- the hatch time and date should be right on top next to the postage stickers-- I would be curious to see if they came from California Hatchery?....
I'm not sure if we still have the box but I'll check and let you know. The chicks are SO friendly! Especially the Jersey Giant, Buff Orpington and the Silver Laced Wyandotte. They compete to climb into my hands! The others are friendly too, just not so in your face about it. LOL
I'm not sure if we still have the box but I'll check and let you know. The chicks are SO friendly! Especially the Jersey Giant, Buff Orpington and the Silver Laced Wyandotte. They compete to climb into my hands! The others are friendly too, just not so in your face about it. LOL

O great you have Jersey Giants too! These are our first chicks and I do not know how to judge if they are friendlier than other breeds or not-- the 4 week olds (we got the first set of JG's at 1.5 and 3.5 week olds ) come running up to us looking for food/treats... The little ones are not there yet but are being handled alot by our 9 year old (she is really careful with them) and are tolerating that well....
O great you have Jersey Giants too! These are our first chicks and I do not know how to judge if they are friendlier than other breeds or not-- the 4 week olds (we got the first set of JG's at 1.5 and 3.5 week olds ) come running up to us looking for food/treats... The little ones are not there yet but are being handled alot by our 9 year old (she is really careful with them) and are tolerating that well....
Aww... I think as long as kids are gentle, it's good for them to be handled by children. As far as I can tell, it makes them bombproof! How many do you have? Our JG is so nice and seems pretty fearless so far. We have a good variety of breeds as we simply could not choose, but we would definitely choose the JG's again. These are our first day olds and it seems to make a difference to get them so young. We've had 4-6 weeks olds that took a little while to trust, 1 week olds and now these little ones. The older chicks are Ameraucanas, Polish, several varieties of Marans, and the little ones are Buff Orp, JG, Australorp, Barred and White Rocks, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Mille Fleur d'Uccle, Welsummer, Buff laced Polish, White crested black Polish as well as a Rhode Island Red that was included with an assortment. While I would not have chosen the RIR, she is a friendly, sweet girl and we like her. I am awaiting some Swedish Flower Hens this week and am so darned excited that I can hardly contain myself!

Chicken math has literally taken over my life! My husband is truly a saint.......

We still have the shipping box but I did not see any address besides the CT one for MPC on it. I looked it over completely and maybe I missed it but I swear I don't see it!

Here are our newest MPC chicks in their new brooder. It amazes me how unique each breed and actually each chick really is. I love having chickens!!

Ok, my babies are coming Thursday or Friday, and I confirmed the times the truck should be in. My guess is that they will get here Thursday as we are not that far from Ideal, which is in Texas. I just hope they do OK with the heat this week! I figure though if the hatchery didn't think they could safely ship them they wouldn't but maybe I'm just being naive!

I called the post offfice yesterday and the guy told me they would be on either the 7:30a truck or the 10:30a truck. So at least I have a rough estimate of when they're going to arrive.
Here is a picture of when I first picked them up. I checked on them after an hour, expecting them to be sleeping. Ohhhhhh no! They are running around, exploring the rabbit room (it is a double rabbit hutch with a house/room thing on each end) eating upside down (that is making me laugh so hard!) sticking their heads all the way through the feeder to get to the food on the other side. They are just so cute, and so tiny!
Here is a picture of when I first picked them up. I checked on them after an hour, expecting them to be sleeping. Ohhhhhh no! They are running around, exploring the rabbit room (it is a double rabbit hutch with a house/room thing on each end) eating upside down (that is making me laugh so hard!) sticking their heads all the way through the feeder to get to the food on the other side. They are just so cute, and so tiny!

They are all so cute - congratulations!
My chicks are coming from "chickens for backyards" - tomorrow...anyone have experience w this hatchery?

Should arrive tomorrow at 7:15 or 8:15 delivery..I'll be waiting!
So very cute!! Congratulations!

I've never ordered from them. Best of luck on your special delivery. Hopefully it went perfectly!

Having a little issue here.. Has anyone ordered from Greenfire Farms? I sent payment days ago for shipment yesterday and have not received any acknowledgement nor replies to emails and now I have no idea if they were shipped or not. My paypal receipt said they would be shipped yesterday. I know they do not welcome phone calls, but it's kind of nerve wracking not knowing if I need to have the brooder disinfected and ready or wait by the phone for the call from the post office.
Since all new birds remain quarantined for at least 4 weeks, it is going to be more difficult the longer they wait to ship. Just wondering if anyone else has had this experience. I'm hoping that no tracking number is just an oversight.


All 21 Chicks from Cackle Hatchery arrived today in perfect health! It has been an interesting morning...My sons birthday is today. Got the call at 8:20am the chicks were at the PO ready to be picked up, get my son and my friends daughter (I'm the babysitter) ready to go, walk out the door to leave and one of my cows is in the front yard!
Some how the pasture gate was open and the cow was munching on the grass under the fruit trees. Took 15 minutes to get both cows (the other one came out while I was calling the first one back to the pasture with the grain can) back in the pasture. Not sure how long the gate was open, but thank goodness they didn't leave the yard. Our house is at the front of the property and the pasture at the back. But we are all home now safe and sound and cheeping away!

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