Anyone ever get a splash EE w/ no muff and a rose comb from MPC?

Here is one of my girls from MPC. I had received 3 of them in their variety pack. All have the black coloring on the tips of their feathers and one actually has alot more than this girl pictured. I thought these girls were andalusians.

Forgot to add my girls have the slate colored legs.

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Your's looks somewhat like the one I'm definitely sure is splash andalusian (not the one I originally posted about), but mine has very dark eyes. Yours has lighter ones. However, maybe that's just a side-effect of hatchery stock.....
Looking at her again, she does look similar to my mystery chicken - same eye color, same long beak. The main diff is that mine has a rose comb and yours looks single. Is your girl chunky or is she built like an andalusian?
Here's a pic I just took of my Andalusian ("Lefse", on the left) and Mystery Chicken ("Knephla") side by side. Well, sort of.... the Lakenvelder's ("Lakshmi") in the middle.

Gosh, she looks similiar to the andalusian but then also different. Both are gorgeous though!

I can try to get an updated picture of one of my girls tonight. I am new to the chicken world so I am really unsure of what an Andalusian body looks like but my girls look to be just a bit chunkier than my Leghorns but more slender than my NN’s. How old is yours? Mine are about 19 weeks now but the pic I had posted was when they were about 10 to 12 weeks old. They do look pretty similar with that beak. Their personality is friendly, they follow me everywhere but do not like to be held or pet very much. They are pretty good flyers too and like to do the tightrope act on things!
I hope this helps but I will go through my pics and see if I can find one that shows her body better and also try to get an updated one tonight.
I have both a splash EE from MPC and a Splash Ameraucana, but both of them have beards/muffs.

The Splash in the back with green legs is my EE, the splash in front has slate legs and is the Splash Ameraucana (she was hatched from Blue Ameraucana eggs) :


Easter Eggers and Ameraucanas occasionally hatch out clean-faced (no beard/muffs). I hatched 16 chicks from Ameraucana eggs and only 1 of the 16 was clean-faced. This Pullet came from a Blue Wheaten Ameraucana roo and my Splash Ameraucana hen and she ended up without muffs/beard - she lays a pretty blue egg.


If your chick had a straight comb and wattles, then it could be a Blue Andalusian, but the comb is pretty easy to identify. This is the only pic I have of my BAs when they were little (1 blue and 2 black Andalusians at 5 1/2 weeks old), but you can see the comb is obviously a straight one, even at a young age.


You mentioned the legs starting to look green - if your chick ends up with green or willow legs, then I'd bet it is a Clean-faced Easter Egger or an EE with a lighter/smaller muff . Watch for wattles - EEs and Ameraucanas generally don't get them - even my clean-faced girl is wattle free.

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Looking at her again, she does look similar to my mystery chicken - same eye color, same long beak. The main diff is that mine has a rose comb and yours looks single. Is your girl chunky or is she built like an andalusian?

Sorry this took me so long but here is a pic of her today at almost 20 weeks now


I guess the different colors of the legs & eyes could be the hatchery stock. All of my NN's from MPC are buff but each of their leg colors are different from slate to both slate & yellow to just yellow.

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