Anyone have fish?

I have Black Diamond blasting sand in my 75, and it keeps getting into the filters and stopping them. It destroyed one AquaClear 110, and it keeps getting in my Aqueon 55/75, and I need to take the pump apart to get it out. I tried putting a piece of foam over the Aqueon intake, but that didn't work. I'm getting a new AquaClear 110 today. What should I put over the intake of the filters?
I put some finer foam over the filter intake, and so far it's working. I tried using some other stuff like a filter media bag before, but that was too fine, and it stopped the flow of the filter.
I keep fish. I have a 55,10, and a 2 gallon anyone keep any type of neocardina shrimp? ( cherry shrimp )
I keep fish. I have a 55,10, and a 2 gallon anyone keep any type of neocardina shrimp? ( cherry shrimp )
I have never kept Cherry Shrimp, but I have kept ghost shrimp with a betta that I had, but the betta ended up eating the ghost shrimp.
ThreefishB18.jpg I finally got around to getting some pics of my fish & tank. I would really like to build them a fish pond for summer...I just feel like they don't have enough room though it's a 55 gallon tank. Even if we get a bigger tank, I still feel like it won't make much difference. We haven't done an outside pool because I don't think we'd be able to keep the raccoons and Herons away...and everything else.
View attachment 1536532 I finally got around to getting some pics of my fish & tank. I would really like to build them a fish pond for summer...I just feel like they don't have enough room though it's a 55 gallon tank. Even if we get a bigger tank, I still feel like it won't make much difference. View attachment 1536531 View attachment 1536531
How many do you have? I keep goldfish in a 29, a 55, a 75, and my big ones spend the cold months in a 125. My outside pond is only about 250 gallons. The key in my opinion with goldfish is large water changes every 1-2 weeks. Ive had my original single tailed ones since 2003. I lost one at age 12, and another this year. The rest are going strong still. I've had various fancy goldfish who average 6-10 years for life span.

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