Anyone in WV???

Late afternoon I just sensed it, heavy air, electricity, sky color, grey green, but it was so wide spread-impossible for weather specialists not to what gives. I thought we were just going to get a bad thunderstorm...but now prob, it will be overkill on the forecasts now.
Lol i wish the forcast could at least be close. according to accuweather i had 90% percent chance of thunderstorms today. The weather channel said 20%. The only thing i got was a few earfuls of thunder and not a drop of rain. Of course i remember being little and if they said light snow you woke up to a blizzard. Lol.
I'd like to invite everyone!!
I hope to bring some birds. I have silkies different colors and ages, old english game chickens different ages, heritage breed turkey poults and turkey eggs for sale. If anyone is interested PM me here.
WE HAVE POWER!!! We got our power back at 8:40 this evening!
Oh and chicken wrangler? don't worry about getting on the list. When I get through with our so called governor, I will probably be on every list in the country! I cannot believe they did not postpone that stupid golf tourney. He actually had the audacity to send the National Guard and the first power crews out to that resort so they could get back up and running ASAP for that stupid tourney. I'm trying to be "family" oriented here but it is hard. lol With all the elderly that were having problems weathering the heat, not to mention everyone on oxygen that could not get to a "cooling station", he had no business doing what he did. That tourney should have been postponed until the state of emergency was lifted. I'll shut up on that subject cause I'm so angry over it, I am literally seeing red.

I hope everyone else has their power back on, if not, I hope and pray they get it back soon. I have learned a lot from being without power for a little over 10 days...I have learned how to conserve water, how to flush a commode without running water (never knew that before!!!), how to collect rainwater, how to cool off, how to run a generator (never had to before), learned to make sure to keep the vehicle full of gas (so you can go sit in it and run the AC when you get toooooo hot!!!), make sure to check on my matter how aggrevating they can Oh, and keep money in a safe place so you have it when the power goes out and the ATM's don't work!!! Most of all, I learned what to do to make sure my pets stayed safe and stayed cool as they could under the circumstances. Yeah, I was grouchy some, but mostly I tried to concentrate on what needed to be done and getting it done. No matter how sick I was from the heat.

Now, I pray we never go through this again....
Well it wasn't my first time, or the longest time, I've lived without electricity, running water, etc...and prob not the last...but I really am not proud of the way it was handled. Most was neighbor helping each other, and volenteers, kind of how it always is in WV. It just irks me that there's not a better system in place to get aid to those with real medical need, and obviously we don't need to waste money on an antiquated warning system. Big money runs everything...that is true...I'm sure there is more to the picture...time will tell.

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