Anyone painted their hardware cloth black?

Definitely worth it! Painting it black allows better visibility of your birds. It makes an amazing difference and it's not that difficult to do. Use a roller. Paint both sides. Do this before putting it up. We're in the process of building a new run and we're definitely painting it.
If the value is in being able to see the birds through the wire why bother to paint the inside? I assume the visibility improvement is due to covering the light reflection on the wire?
It has nothing to do with the physical property of the wire, or where the paint is, it's just easier to see through a dark color. Probably the reason that most window screens are dark in color. If you've ever seen an uncoated steel window screen, they are definitely more difficult to see through than a black nylon one.
I am also getting ready to do this - seems like the consensus is to paint the cloth before attaching to the run/coop? I plan to use a roller, but it seems like it will be hard to get the hardware cloth flat enough.
I painted the hc I put over the windows, so not a huge amount, but I spray painted it black before it went up because I had tons of black spray paint. LOL

I wish I had had the time to paint it on the run too, I think it looks so much better. I think it would be less messy to do it before, but easier to do it after. If that makes sense.


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Here is a visual for people that do not understand. This is about hunting blinds and the screen on them and how it is hard to see through them until you paint them black. The black doesn't reflect light, so it becomes "invisible" to your brain in the sight picture.

Notice how you can not see the bottom of the blind or grass in the top picture and you can in the bottom one and this is a tight screen. Soldiers are taught this with their face masks for the inside.
Thank you for this info! We have a security screen door and my In laws have the same frame, but their screen is black looks much nicer but/and you can see through it much better. We are making a new run for the coop to accommodate more chickens. Black welded wire it is.👍

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