Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

Can those of us who are not overweight but are trying to mantain their current weight join? I am not overweight but I want to mantain my current weight. Also, I really need a lot of encouragment to exercise. You all can't imagine how lazy that I am.
My dog would probably protest that diet.

He loves green beans, but he does protest the diet. He always eats off my plate so I have to have a few green beans there for him. We bring him home doggie bags when we eat out too. The other night we went to Famous Daves. I got green beans as a side just so he could have something brought home in a "to go" box. He loves seeing those styrofoam containers come home.
I don't see why not, I wouldn't exclude you
And yes I can imagine your laziness, all I have to do is look in the!
Survived day 1 at the community health center. Managed 1.5 miles on the indoor track in about 30 mins.

I dont know how well I did cause everyone there was twice my age and they all passed me on the track at least twice, except for the guy who looks like he had hip replacement recently. He only passed me once...
You goin to the Coomes center? How much is membership?

*gulp* it is 140$/6 months for folks who dont live in the village/town.
The fee is what is going to keep me motivated. I need to work that money off! lol
You goin to the Coomes center? How much is membership?

*gulp* it is 140$/6 months for folks who dont live in the village/town.
The fee is what is going to keep me motivated. I need to work that money off! lol

Mind if I join in? I had surgery a couple years ago and gained about 50lbs, lost about 20 of it, gained it back, lost it again, and now I need to lose about 30, maybe more. I'm kind of built like a linebacker, so even when I'm a good weight I look bigger than someone the same weight standing next to me, you talk about annoying lol.

Ok, here goes:
Age - 20
Height - 5'6"
Current weight - 181.5
Goal weight - 150 or under lol

You think I can be tank-top ready by May? That's 4 months... Guess we'll see lol.

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