Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

I am gonna throw my 2 cents in here. I am 48 and spent most of my life on a diet, working out, avoiding the fun foods, up down. up down, up up, down, up, down. Three years ago I stopped dieting at all. I decided that eating the good foods that I LIKE would be a wiser choice than weighing, counting, writing, marking, counting, weighing. I have lost 60 pounds. Not a great deal given it's been three years, but it's working for me. I hate most veggies. I love green beans, so I eat green beans. Instead of forcing myself to eat the fruits and veggies I don't like, I eat green beans, occasionally broccoli, tangerines, melons, berries. I like white bread, so I buy the Wonder whole grain white bread. You get the point. I have made it a point to find the good foods that I actually enjoy eating.
Well count me in. I'm going to do things a little bit differently. I'm going to basically do Weight Watchers type of losing weight. I'm not going to set a big goal. I find that it discourages me so I'm going to set up small time goals.

My weight is 302.2 and my first goal is to lose 10 lbs.

Portion control is key for me.

In 2001, I lost 147 lbs on Weight Watchers. I was 402 when I started. So although I've gained some of it back, I'm not back at my original weight.

Exercise for me, especially in this cold, will be Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pound videos. They're great when you can't get out of the house due to the weather.

Good luck everyone!

I have heard about the walk away the pounds videos. I may have to check into them. My problem is portion control and lack of exercise. I cannot go out when the weather is cold because it makes my pain flare up so I just tend to hibernate for the winter.
Another little bit of advice... don't eat while watching TV/computer, or reading because then you are mindless eating and tend to eat more. I tend to do this myself.
I'm in. I need to loose about 40 too. I've recently started exercising and I've cut out soda but no big results yet. I guess I'm
going to have to crunch a little harder. Nice to have a group effort though. I had actually been looking for an online support group last
week but didn't find one I thought I'd like. Glad I stopped in here today!
I am doing so well! So far!

Starting Weight-148# [1-1-2010]
Goal Weight-125#
Current Weight-144#
Height-5' 4''

Yippee! I just hope I can keep with it. 125# is my goal now, but I would love to be like 115-120#. Last night before church I had a peanut butter sandwich with wheat bread, 4 marshmallows, and a tiny cup of apple cider. I splurged after church and had a small Frappe and a small fries at McDonalds at 7. Not too bad for eating at McDonalds. But I didn't have anything after that. For breakfast this morning I had a small bowl of Frosted Flakes, and I didn't even finish the milk, and 8 oz. of V8. Surprisingly I am not hungry whatsoever. I hope not to eat until noon or so. If the roads are good enough to go to the conference tomorrow, I probably won't get to eat too healthy, but I will get to walk alot.
well, gained back my 1/2 pound somehow while i was sleeping... had an egg white with a slice of swiss cheese for breakfast... minimal butter in the pan, little bit o' salt on top.. it was yummy. I am going to drink more tea... probably herbal, since I'm not a caffeine person anyway... if I've got something constantly to drink, maybe I won't feel so much like eating as much... no sugar or milk in my tea...
So far today I am up to 350 cals. I had my coffee and Kashi cereal. I am about to do my exercise for today and sssoooo dont want to LOL.
Starting Weight-148 (sep. 09)
Goal Weight-115
Current Weight-136
Height-5' 3''
New Years diet resolutions I'm going to drink more water. Starting now.
I just found this thread. I'm in. At Christmas I was telling my daughters that I wanted to lose about 15 lbs. They of course said, Oh, you look great Mom. You don't need to lose any weight. Then one of them was talking about a little number I wore to my nephews wedding about 5 years ago and she said, Mom, you really looked HOT! I said, Aimee, that's when I was 15 lbs. lighter. That's what I'm talking about.

So, excuse me while I get up off my ___ and go use the treadmill that collects dust in the guest room.

Age 53
Weight 150
Height 5' 7"
Goal 135
I'm needing to loose as well. I'm doing the calorie counting I've done before and it works great and you keep the weight off.

Age 28
Height 5'7
weight 197 ( i really dont look like I way that much LOL) Everyone is like what!!! NO WAY!!
Goal weight 155

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