Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

I was looking for a recipe for sweet popcorn tonight and found one. It's still a good bit of sugar, but it's not as much fat and if you make it with Jolly Pop Popcorn it's much better for you.
1 bag of Jolly Pop
1tblsp butter (I use bluebonnet light)
1/2 cup semisweet choc chips. (you could get away with using like 1/3c I think)

It's easy. Pop the popcorn and put it in bowl or tub
put the choc chips and butter in microwave safe dish and microwave in 30sec intervals until melted then stir together and while it's still hot pour it over the popcorn and mix it around. Let it cool for about 10-15 min and enjoy!
p.s. a WHOLE BAG of Jolly Pop only has 90 calories...just fyi
My husband wouldn't like it if I looked like hunky Santa.
I admire the young man's dedication and wish that I was so determined.

Hooray for him for going for his dream.
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I am going to loose 100 pounds this year, most of it by summer (I hope)! Lots of health issues and I am just tired of not liking myself anymore! Hope everyone meets their goal!

I cant really post my stats right now, just too sensitive about it.
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I'm kinda the same. I won't gain much weight as much as I won't lose any. My body doesn't respond much until I exercise nearly every day. Apparently, it is genetic as my mom is the same way. I have to eat really really well and exercise 5-7 days a week to lose the standard 1-2 lbs a week. I tried a personal trainer once. I ate well, but exercised only 3 days a week with the personal trainer...I lost ZERO lbs in 4 or 5 months!
I have takin' up line dancing and hiking to get my exercise in with the occasional TV workout or bike riding.
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All right, I have been lurking for a few days and just need to jump in. I'm tired of not feeling energetic. And my back hurting. So here goes.
Age: 31
Height: 5'2"
weight: 167
goal: 130
That's a good goal right? I'll even be happy with 140. I plan on drinking more water and actually doing my yoga. I know it helps my back.
i've decided to go the route of having some home made soups for my lunches. i figured i like everything i put in them and it is a way to get more water and fluids into my body. i've been advised to get more fiber and veggies into my diet as well and the recipes i found were a good way to help do it! for dinners i will do something more solid, and i know protein is needed to keep me from feeling drowsy while at work and working out. if i can stay away from the carbs and sugars that would greatly help my diet.

tonight my dh made us omelets with a little cheese and some herbs, along with some spiced sausage. now that i've been getting and eating more eggs i've been feeling fuller after a meal made with them. tonight i just made a Chorizo and Lentil soup i found online earlier, it smells and tastes wonderful! i can't wait till tomorrow to have it for lunch!
ill join in. im not actually overweight, but i am at the upper limits of normal, and because i have foot, ankle, knee, and hip problems, my doctor said that i should try to keep my weight as low as possible to postpone the arthritis (probably going to start sometime in my 20s either way). i gained some weight after starting college this year, but not much. im going to try to increase excercise and cut out most sugars other than fruits.

I'm 17
height: 5'6"
starting weight: 143 (1-4-10)
goal weight: 125

so i want to lose 18 pounds. but hopefully that will keep the arthritis at bay for a few years, right?
and by the way, my dad is a doctor who specializes in nutrition, so if someone wanted his advice on their diet, i would be happy to ask him about it.

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