Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

I am by no means an expert Terrie but wanted to throw out that 'starvation mode' thing for ya. Sometimes bodies respond better to a gradual reduction than a quick drop. I used the little calculator thingy that Pampered posted yesterday and am going to shoot for 1750 and then every week reduce it a bit more so my body doesnt think I am starving and start holding onto every ounce it can...egads! lol

Glad DH is in on this with ya. Its so much easier and more fun when you arent fighting the battle alone.

Have a great day!
I think I know what went wrong with my gain. I had the nachos the other day
and the salt must have made me retain water.Todays weight is not back to where it was but 137 in stead of 138. I drank a lot of water yesterday and will drink even more today.

I got on the scale this morning, and since my rant on Monday of gaining 2lbs.....I've lost 4 since then!!

Then I broke my scale...LOL

Got in the shower, forgot my wash cloth stepped out, slipped!!!! and stepped on my scale and now it just says E LOL OPPSS!

I only got in 1100 calories yesterday.

I've had a donut (I Know bad) but I was late this morning which is 200 calories
and now for break I'm having rasberry sugar free jello and my salad I didn't get to eat lastnight.....
You are so right, Opa. Losing weight is can be really hard, and we all should pat ourselves on the back. And congrats to you for maintaining your weight!
Chickerdoodle, you can hate me! I forgive you.
I am so happy today! Yesterday morning I weighed 143.5. This morning I weight [when I first woke up].............142! Yippeeee! So that brings my total to 6 pounds since the first! Wow. I kept my word and didn't eat anything last night, but I did have a small glass of water [I hate water] before bed. This morning I had 6 oz. of V8, 100 calorie lemon yogurt, and am now eating an apple. I hope to have tomato soup, wheat bread, and a small glass of chocolate milk for lunch. I am not mixing it up too much, but I am please with my food choices. I haven't been doing the salads though. I love salads, but my salads are very unhealthy. They always consist of the same thing-Iceberg lettuce, shredded cheddar and/or mozzarella cheese, ranch dressing, and croutons. My favorite pair of jeans are kinda strange. For the past few month, I put them on, and can BARELY get them buttoned. Then I have to do all these stretches to get them comfortable enough to walk in, but after a few hours they are fine. Today, I put them on, and they FIT! No stretches!

That's my goal. Putting on my jeans, button the button, zip, no twisting, stretching, bending to get them on. I put on my jeans last night to go dancing with my husband. (My exercise program) I got them on but not comfortable yet. I'll just go get on the treadmill again. Bye.
Hey good for you Nupine! We're the same height and I'm just a few pounds under you. Perhaps we can be weight loss buddies. I didn't get on the scale myself all week - I'm waiting for the weekend. My main problem is the snacking thing after dinner. I didn't snack all week that's why I'm waiting to see if I got rid of any weight.

You're doing yourself a BIG favour by not drinking any of those colas. They are loaded with high fructose corn syrup. Poison in my book. I'll have a Fresca or two in the afternoon (diet soda) I need the bubbly to quench my thirst.
Got my 2 miles in this morning and working on a yummy salad right now. Baby spinach, feta, almonds, poppy seed dressing and last nights left over baked chicken for some extra protein.

Breakfast was 2 slices of sourdough toast with Move Over Butter and a smear of Peanut Butter.

Dinner is taco soup and I plan to try to leave off the sour cream and cheese....praying for strength!
Since I have been a bit slack lately, mostly due to to having to deal with my thyroid way to much, its high time I started keeping track better.
I use to log my foods.
And don't freak out
When you eat high real fat, as was done by everyone up until the industrial age, and processed foods became the norm, you will not get heart disease, not will you get fat.
Quite the opposite happens. You lose fat effortlessly. No gimmicks about it. Remember, its the carbs that cause weight gain.
Just real food. Truly satisfying. No artificial anything, as those just trick the body, and in the end make it sick.

Breakfast today... will add other meals later on.

2 slices of Bacon
3 BYC Eggs
2 tbls of Raw Butter
1/2 cup of fried Potato
35 mg of Iodine
1 tsp of fermented cod liver oil
1 tsp of Maca Root

665 calories
54.2 grams of fat
23.9 grams of carbs
22.3 grams of Protein

72% Fat
13% Carbs
13% Protein

Lunch.......which I had after doing 10 minutes of step arobics and 30 minutes of Pilates, followed by a hot detox bath (working on the adrenals and thyroid)

Raw Eggnog

2 cups of Whole Raw Milk
1 Banana
2 BYC Raw Eggs
1 tbls Raw Coconut Oil ( aids the thyroid, thus heating the body up, and speeding up the metabolism)
Cinnamon to taste

641 Calories
38 Grams of Fat
49.7 Grams of Carbs (note to self, less milk and more cream next time, as carbs are to high!)
28.1 Grams of Protein

53% Fat
29% Carbs
17% Protein


6 ounces of Wild Sockeye Salmon (caught by yours truly)
3/4 cup of Potato (shaould have done carrots)
1/4 cup of Raw Lacto-Fermented Sauerkraut

643 Calories
32.7 grams of fat
35.4 grams of carbs ( still to high, must get back in practice)
49.9 grams of Protein

46% Fat
22% Carbs
32% Protein

FYI: since making the switch to eating real fats and real foods, my severe Cellulite has disapeared by 75%!!!
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I am by no means an expert Terrie but wanted to throw out that 'starvation mode' thing for ya. Sometimes bodies respond better to a gradual reduction than a quick drop. I used the little calculator thingy that Pampered posted yesterday and am going to shoot for 1750 and then every week reduce it a bit more so my body doesnt think I am starving and start holding onto every ounce it can...egads! lol

Glad DH is in on this with ya. Its so much easier and more fun when you arent fighting the battle alone.

Have a great day!

You are absolutely right, CF!

Years ago I was on NutriSystem. (I lost 160 pounds!) I didn't maintain the good habits I learned and gained a lot of it back.

When I started they put me on 1000 calories a day right off and I was sick, had headaches and sleepy all the time. They bumped me to 1500 a day until I got used to it and then gradually dropped me back down to 1000 a day.

So I thought that was a good place to start. We can always adjust.

But thank you for posting that. Too often when starting a diet, a huge reduction in calories seems best, but you need to make sure your body knows what you are doing.

ETA, I went to Fit Day and signed up! I like how you can plan out meals, adjust info to a specific food, and set weight loss goals. It takes a while but it makes you see exactly what you are eating and how many calories things are.
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I Am loving my elliptical, but also think if I could burn some calories WITH my DS rather than yelling at him to leave me alone while I run, I would be happier. Where is everyone getting the best deals on their Wii and Wii fit? Is wiif it plus better than wii fit? And what's the general concensus on the Jillian Michaels game? I've heard from one girl at work it's really good but idk?

Oh btw, Down 1.5 pounds since Christmas, which I'm ok with since I did a few bad cheats and have been running gaining muscle. I know that the scale doesnt mean much because I feel tighter and my jeans are DEF looser so that's why I'm ok with only 1.5 pounds in 2 weeks!
HAving pan fried haddock and green beans with carmalzied onions and half a baked potatoe for dinner. Whole dinner is about 570 cal (or since I'm in WW- 6 points) if anyone wants the recipes.

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