Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

Well this isn't going to make sense but I was down another 2lbs when I weighed myself this morning. That is all fine and dandy but then I decided to make Tuesdays my cheat days. On Tuesday I work 10+ hours and like to have an easy meal (hot dogs today:/) and then relax instead of exercising at night. This is the first time I haven't exercised and have eaten "bad food" on Tuesday since I started this new kick of mine. Back to the grind tomorrow but we'll see how the scale likes me in the morning.

On another good note I do have to say that I'm feeling like all this effort is starting to pay off. I feel more energetic and less flabby. My clothes are getting a little loose.

Good luck for the rest of the week everyone!
I got a new set of scales, so i'm not sure where i'm at
The old ones were the old fashioned style with a dial, and were weighing differently from one minute to the next. The new kind are digital so should be easier to keep track with.
Don't get upset. Either the scale is off or you have built some muscle up with all of the walking. My Doctors office has two sets of scales and one set is 7 pounds higher. The other set of scales is right on with my Digital scales. I cringe when I have to get on those things. Even when I know they are wrong, I don't like to see it. LOL
I lost two pounds last week. I cut out dairy and my evening cup of hot cocoa. Switched that to tea and am feeling good about it. I cut out dairy because it turns out that I am lactose intolerant. Goal for this week? Actually working out.
Height 5'2"
age 32
starting weight 167
current weight 165
goal weight 140
Awsome figuring out your allergen

Food allergens are notarious for not allowing weight loss, adn actually encourage weight gain, and adrenal and thyroid fatigue.
If you can get your hands on raw dairy, give it a try after you feel your body is under control.
It may not work, but a good portion of people with lactose intolerance, are actually intolerant of the processing, rather then the lactose.
Hubby and I are doing well. We have plenty to eat and I know it is way more balanced than the BYC Cookbook inspired feasts.

The change in food has given us some headaches and fatigue in the last few days, but I think that once we get used to eating better that will go away.

We are eating between 1700 and 1900 calories a day. We started at 1300 to 1400, but it simply was not enough. After a couple weeks getting used to better nutrition, we wil gradually cut back by 100 to 200 calories a week until we are at 1200 to 1300 a day.

Right now we are getting used to less food and just counting calories. Starting this weekend I will be analyzing each menu item for the best balance and going from there.
Glad to see everyone is doing good and feeling well! I am excited to weigh tmrw as I ate exceptionally well all week (except for today when I went to the farm show and had some fried vegetables and DH and I shared a milkshake) but I came home and excersised extra long because of it. I had a few more people tell me this week that "you look like you're losing weight" or "you look good", or my favorite..."that running thing your doing is suiting you- you look really good and glowy!" LOL So I am very happy with how this week has gone reguardless of what the scale says. I am worried with school starting again that it will be harder for me to eat right AND get my excersise in, but another girl and I have already talked about it and are going to keep on eachother about what we eat and if we need to, will go to the gym and at least walk over our lunch break.
Last week I was 154 down from 158 Dec. 9th. ( I gained back two pounds over the holiday so really it's a loss of 6lbs) When I weighed sat I THINK if I remember right I was 153.4 My goal for tmrw is to hope for 152.5!
Best of luck to everyone and keep up the good work!
Also to those of you that had birds at the farm show- great showing! All the birds I saw were so pretty!
I will tell you I got these Skechers Shape Up at a huge discount (54.00 shipped) OMG what a difference. Just by having them on the other day to do housework and nothing for like 2 hours and my legs feel like I have done 100 squats. You might want to look into those. I talked to someone who had the RBK Easy Tone and she said she could not tell a difference than her reg shoes. However I might buy them anyways just to see.

Eats lots of fruit especially watermelon at night.

If you want to lose some quick weight google the cabbage soup diet. I lost 10 pounds in one month.
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well I'm doing good , still off the dairy and meat.Went to a japanese restaurant for lunch on Monday had Vegie Sushi and Edamame! OMG those are good how come I never knew about them before? oh well I do now. All that protein and yum all in one!
Weighed myself on Monday and I am down 2 lbs yay!!
Meeting a friend at the gym at 1:00 and I've been doing the Wii fit every day.

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