Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

I Have the shape ups and Think they are very comfy but do not notice a difference. I got them for Christmas and when I found out what they cost flipped on DH for spending so much on sneakers. I am a low maintenance kinda gal
I weighed in at
Start: 147-148
lost so far(sep 09) 13lbs
Left:19 lbs
I've been exercising since the beginning of the year, but I've actually gained some weight. of today, I'm checking in here everyday and for every day I stay on my diet I'm putting $1 in a jar, for every two weeks I'll put and extra $10 in the jar. If I manage to stay on this diet until my birthday in May I get to spend it all on new clothes, or something nice for myself. No new stuff until then. I'm hoping support here, and incentives will help me stay on my diet.

Today: walked 45 min.
1/2 cup raw oatmeal with milk and 2 tsps sugar. (I don't like it cooked)
I was shocked to see that I was down another 1.5lbs today. If I consider that I gained two pounds after my first day with the Wii Fit I've lost about 9lbs since December 30th.

I have to work this afternoon and then go to a township meeting right after. I may try to get a bit of exercise in before work and then finish it this evening.
Weighed 155.8 this morning
I'm not sure exactly how much i've lost because of the change of scales, but I think it's at least 2lbs. 25-30lbs to go, i'm giving myself three months to meet that goal.
I have lost 10 pounds in the last 4 weeks!

That is according to the scale at the dump. I only know my weight because we weigh in and out and have to get out of the car and off the scale to pay.
I haven't checked in in two days, but I am doing ok. I did bad yesterday though, between a little Red Pop in the morning, then Lobster Bites, 3 shrimp, 4 hushpuppies, and lemonade at LJS's for lunch, and a small Frappe on the way home. I had only potatoes and corn and bread for dinner, but I had a few chocolates that night, not good. Today I had frosted flakes for breakfast, and a medium coffee and a filet-o-fish from McDonalds for lunch. It is so weird. We didn't go to McDonalds for months literally, only a few times in the past year, but we are going for something almost everyday now. But mostly filet-o-fishs for me [I eat them with just ketchup and no tarter sauce or cheese, so maybe 325 calories or something] and Cafe stuff. My weight has been steady the past few days, about 143 during the day and about 140 in the morning. I am going to try to try harder over the next few days, get it lower. I bough a really cute pair of capri's [at Goodwill lol] and they are size 5's and a little too small around the waist, so maybe they can be inspiration.

Camelot- ICE THEM! That's what I found really helped mine when I started running last summer. That and you need to give yourself a day of rest in between until you stop getting the splints. The splints are you're muscle fibers breaking down from the previous unuse of them. As they break down and rebuild back up they will be stronger, but they need rest to build back up otherwise you will keep breaking down something that isn't there!

Cara, I remember noticing the similarities in out stats before, you interested in being buddies?! I would love to lose that much in 3 months, however I don't really think that's possible for me. With my schedule I don't get to work out as much as I want, but I would be willing to try to meet that goal with you! 120-125 is my ideal weight so that would put me pretty much right there!

Terrielacy and Rodriguez...good job!!!
ChickeyJoy that's an incredible loss!
Siz and elijahm I find it interesting that you both have different opinions on the shape-ups. Being in nursing and on my feet for many hours at a time I actually considered getting them for the built in 8-12 hour workout I would get, but don't want to spend that money if they don't work!

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