Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

mom'sfolly :

For the chick peas I usually used canned chick peas, and I have burnt them so now the oven is at 425 not 450.

2 cans chickpeas, rinsed and drained
1-2 Tbsp olive oil (enough to make the spices stick) or PAM
your favorite spices, in quantity.
some combos are: ginger, garam masala and amchar powder (made from green mangos, very tart)
cumin, chili powder and lime juice
soup or salad dressing mixes

Bake at 425 for 20-30 minutes, and then turn off the oven. They should be crunchy. Sometimes I make them completely crunchy, sometimes I make them so they are sort of soft in the middle.

I also take raw pumpkin seeds, dry roast them in a pan, then add soy sauce and continue on the heat until the soy sauce is dried on the nuts. It is very salty, but the only fat is from the nuts, and it tastes gooooood! Gotta get me some next grocery run.

yum! im trying these! Not for a diet though...because i'm waaay beyond repair now...
spring rolls and pad thai for dinner tonight, homemade. Pretty good, if I do say so myself. I've done well today, and walked in the rain. Monday is weigh in day so I'm hoping for a good weekend.
no no no camelot.... no dorittos for you! only if you can have 7 and put them away.... isn't it like 7 is the serving size. So stick with the serving size and count and add up your points for the day.

Yesterday since i've been sick with pneumonia and haven't had much of an appetite... i did have a rasberry concrete mixer from culvers... that was my breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Lets just say that I have had a weeks worth of servings...

I tried, I really tried. Its the 1st time that I have lost control in 2 weeks. ugh! Now I am going to have to go to the gym tomorrow which is usually my day off of sweating.

We all do it Kim. The Oreo's were calling me from the top of the refrigerator the other evening. But I limited it to only 2. I'm absolutely loving my Wii Fit Plus! I feel so good. Tomorrow's weigh in day. I can't wait!

Thats why not buying or eating processed foods helps so much.
If I want a snack or desert item, I actually have to cook.
Chips and cookies are such an extreme rip off. You pay several dollars for soemthing that actually costs a few pennies to make from scratch.
The two or three potatoes it takes to "fill" a bag of chips, really shows what a waste it is.

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