Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

One of my favorite salads to make is mixed lettuce, usually a spring mix, with mandrin oranges, blue cheese, chicken, cranberries and walnuts. I usually save any leftover chicken breast to use for this.
Thank you [and chickenannie]. That was REALLY a lot of good info. I need that. I will check out that web site right away. Yes I am a teen, in high school. I have had eating problems my entire life really. I was really skinny and didn't eat hardly anything [which had my worried sick mom rushing me to the hospital all the time] up until 2nd grade. I then had my enormous tonsils removed, which really helped my appetite. I have been slightly chubby ever since, but have always ate really bad. It is something I need to come to terms with and try to fix, and has gotten worse since I went vegetarian 3 years ago. I am going to get on that site and see what I can do, to help myself eat a little better. I do take a multivitamin. I typically don't drink a huge amount of water, but have had a lot since I have been sick. We have like 10 different kinds of packets to put in water, like lemonade ones, electrolytes, etcs. that my mom drinks, I had one the other day and it wasn't so bad. I did actually have a Frappe today, but I had a coupon for a free one,
. I just couldn't resist. Besides that part of a pepsi I had the other day, I have basically eliminated pop from my diet. BTW, I had the flu. I may have got it because of my weakened immune system, but my dad had it from work, then I got it, and now my mom has it really really bad. I am feeling much better now. I have a question. I have had headaches, like really bad tension ones, my entire life. They were getting better a few years ago, but have been getting worse lately. They are awful, and I throw up a lot, and they last maybe 12 hours or so. Could this be because of my eating habits? Thanks a ton.
Yes the headaches are most likely from your eating habits. Eat more small meals more often. Make sure that you have a good protein source for breakfast, I make a scrambled egg sandwich with cheese. Take a snack with you for midmorning like some yogurt or nuts. Make sure that you eat lunch also. When you get home from school grab a piece of fruit. As a teen girl you need to make sure that you get enough calcium. I also get headaches from not eating. I don't get the hungry feeling I go from being just fine to nausious and then i get the headache. If I go too long between meals I end up puking. Pay attention to what your body is telling you and you should be able to curb the headaches.
Yes Nupine, that is correct. It's reffered to as a hypoglycemic headache. The problem especially with eating a lot of sugary foods is it makes your glucose level sky rocket. You get a high/energy etc then as soon as your body has burned through those few empty calories (sometimes as quickly as a few minutes) your body no longer has the means to maintain it's normal glucose level because it just excerted so much insulin trying to control that high sugar intake. This excess release of insulin helps to drop your blood sugar as well and the sudden decrease of sugar from being burnt off. One of the first signs of a hypoglycemic episode is a headache.
I totally know what you mean about having to come to terms with your bad eating habits. I think that may be why I have such a special interest in you, because I WAS you. And I have just VERY recently come to terms with this myself. But now that I have making healthy choices is actually easy. And more enjoyable because I know I am doing good things for my body which will be my vessel for the next 60 years hopefully!
Also to add to the packets, I just got a new kind last week that I LOVE and I thought I would mention it to you. It's the crystal light hunger satisfaction type. I love the strawberry banana! You could probably even add some ice and blend it up for a smoothie! And it really does help fill me up more than plain water because it contains fiber.
Glad you are planning to try to do things more healthy and that you are feeling better! Like I said before if you have any questions, just as or PM me!

As for me, WEdnesday is weigh in. Except for the mishap at macaroni grill earlier this week, I've been pretty darn good. I don't know that I've lost a lot of weight, maybe a half pound, but I know my shape is changing, I've had SO many people this week at work etc tell me I look like I'm trimming down. :) yay. I did my elliptical before dinner tonight, and I actually feel like doing it now again instead of HW! LOL I think I'm going to! Then enjoy a 1/2 cup of fat free no sugar added ice cream and a huge glass of water which for me in WW world is 1 point! :) YAY for that stuff! HAve a good night everyone and keep up the good work!

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Keep a food and headache journal for a few weeks.
Jot down the ingredients of each food you eat, especially if it is made with anything processed.
Make special note of anything that is hydrolyzed, and all versions "natural flavors".
It is very liely that you are reacting to MSG, which is hidden in almost all processed foods, and has around 40 different names.

The very best advice I can give you, is to eat only Real, Nourishing foods. Skip anything that is commercially processed.

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