Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

mom'sfolly :

I use collard greens when I make stuffed "cabbage". It is so much easier to use than cabbage, since it is flat. I blanch the collards, then remove the stem, and then fill with my favorite filling. I usually cook them long and slow to break down the fibers in greens. I like greens cooked with ham hocks too, but that is not vegan. You can try the collards sauted, but I think long cooking works better. I like dandelion green in salad, they add a bitter spiciness to the mix....

I'm going veggie, but not quite vegan. I'm sort of trying to follow the ornish heart diet. Last year I lost weight doing this (and I dropped my cholesterol below 200 for the first time in over 15 years), and I started this year lighter than last. It works for me. I've been beat up a few times by the low carbers, so I'm a little nervous to admit that I'm not eating meat.

the cat is helping me sorry for any weirdness.....

I know I've gotten so much negative feedback from friends and family when I went vegetarian and now its worse since I told them I was trying to go vegan. I think I will try the stuffed idea. I can make a rice stuffing, thank you​
Didn't have time to weigh myself today. Oh well, don't need to do that anyway. I ate well yesterday and got my exercise in. I've really been enjoying the 30min runs on the Wii Fit but my ankles are not happy today. I think I'll have to take a break from that for a few days. Today is my day off from exercise anyway. That will be nice since I'm lucky if I got 3 hours of sleep last night and I have ten hours of work left before I can go home.

Anyone watching The Biggest Loser tonight? I think I'll watch that and some of the Idol auditions, then early to bed!
Does anyone else get dizzy after or during their workouts? Sometimes I actually feel feint. I make sure that I drink tons of water and that I have protein an hour before I head to the gym. I take metaprolol for an irregular heart rate but thats about it for RX's other than some vitamins.

Anyone have an suggestions?
If you get dizzy... more water and probably a handful of sunflower seeds or something. Low bloodsugar.

I am working out doing Yoga twice a week... starting to do weights now. I also do 2-4 mile cycling every week...

since last June...when I started working out and cutting back on meal sizes... I've gained 20 lbs!!!???! ARGH!!!

So I am in on this too... salads and water day in and day out.... 30 sucks!
Chicky Joy- I will be!!! From my elliptical! :)

ETA: my area has never had a sonic. They got one a few months ago with a new Giant so I needed to go to the Giant today to get Better'N'Butter (low fat version of PB) and decided to stop at sonic to take a peek at the menu and get something small possibly. My BFF told me they have the best ice cream and since all their other food is CRAP I decided I would just get a junior sundae to try. Not much at all...and I didn't like it! I don't know if it's because I dont eat full fat ice cream anymore or what, but it didn't even taste good! Needless to say I expected my stop at sonic would kill my weigh-in tmrw but sinc eI didn't even finish the tiny cup I got I think I'll be ok! Trip taken, road not worth it! Woo hooo At least now I know I'm not missing out on ANYTHING by not going to sonic!
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Wow I thought I lost you guys. I joined in the beginning when the thread was still new, and somehow lost the thread( I didn't look very hard) Anyway glad to see this is up and rolling right along, I am in this for the long haul. My diet plan is Weight Watchers

My stats

38 y/o
Start weight: 190-1/1/10
Weight 1/19- 183
Goal- 130-125 ish

7 LBS Gone
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Well, I lost blood, sweat and tears today into the carpet.

Pilates = massive pain.

I made it to the mat part of it and had to stop when I decided I didn't care if I did the moves right any more. Now I'm eating a banana and drinking some Gatorade.
Step away from the candies!!!!

I have found that I have to pretty much cold turkey the candy/cakes/cookies for a week or so. Then I can have just a bite or two after that without pigging out. The addiction to those simple carbs and sugar is strong!!!

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