Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

weigh-in day for me!
Lost 2 lbs even with my mess up earlier in the week! (darn macaroni grill!)

Ht 5'2"
Starting wt: 157
current wt: 150

egggciting! On a side note my chicks hatched on Christmas are REALLY starting to stink for some reason...Can't WAIT to get home and change the shavings they smell so bad!I'm starting to wonder if they knocked over their waterer when it still had water in it or something cuz... PHEW! Hoping it soon is a bit warmer and I can get them outside!

Nupine, I know you got my point, but I came across this article this morning and thought I'd copy it and post it here for Everyones benefit.
Frustrated by slow weight loss? Read on for expert input on why slow and steady wins the race.

"We live in a quick-fix society," says Debra Mandel, PhD, a Los Angeles psychologist who specializes in eating disorders. "When we want something, we want it right away."

Worse, we constantly see advertisements that convince us that we can lose inches by tomorrow, and be slimmer by next week. It seems like there's no harm in wanting to lose weight by yesterday. After all, it is possible. Isn't it?

Not at all, insists Mandel. Because when it comes down to it, fast weight loss can't last, because it usually means adapting to very difficult eating habits and an impossible-to-live-with lifestyle.
Read the article below

Quick fix, fast failure
"[With quick-fix diets], our metabolism slows down, and eventually we're eating fewer and fewer calories but not losing weight," says Mandel. "This leads to anxiety, which prompts us to eat even fewer calories to try to lose. The body rebels against that even more."

So it's a vicious cycle. Because if you don't get enough nutrients — which is a major risk when you're going for a quick fix — your brain, and then your body, will, well, insist that you eat. To your body, it's nothing more than survival. But to you, it will feel like you're giving in and losing control. Then you'll feel like a failure, which might very well send you to the fridge.

It's a never-ending yo-yo cycle of weight gain, then loss, then gain again. Go for slow and steady weight loss (a healthy rate is two pounds per week or less), and not only will you be doing a service to your body, you'll also be more likely to keep that weight off for good. Isn't that better than rebounding?

Why slow weight loss lasts
"I'm glad my weight loss was slow for me because I feel like I really have made lifestyle changes," says Lyn, a meetings member. "I just keep at it. I continue to see slow progress but overall a great deal of success. Slowly but surely the weight comes off."

It's that kind of "through thick and thin" attitude that will take people from thick to thin for good, says Mandel. Losing weight slowly isn't just healthier, she says, it's a better investment. Not only are you dropping pounds, you're working on building habits that you'll be able to maintain. And those habits will help you maintain the weight you lost, so you can stay at your goal weight for good.

"Plus, you have more energy to live life in the present, because you're not starving and focusing on food," says Mandel. "You're creating a healthy relationship with food." That's the key to lifelong success.

Maintain a positive attitude
All that said, Cindy, a subscriber to Weight Watchers Online, isn't exactly glad she loses weight slowly. "'Thankful' might be a better word for it," she says. "At least I'm losing and not gaining."

Cindy has also held on during slow losses by maintaining a positive attitude: "I know this plan is something I can stick with for the rest of my life. It's definitely not a 'diet' that I'll go off for a long period of time. It's a lifetime commitment."
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It is NOT about doing the moves right yet! When you start its about trying to achieve them WITHOUT hurting yourself. Its the same thing with yoga... after 2 classes a week for 3 weeks, I could touch my toes!!!! I couldn't touch my toes since I was like 10!!! That was enough motivation to keep to going with the class. Now I can grab my foot over my head, and I'm trying to learn how to do a head stand. BUT I AM NOT LOSING WEIGHT! ARGH!
Ok I've been debating listing this information, but I will or I will lose track for real:

Weight as of 1/5/2010 - 179
Today - 175

Hard to believe since then I've cut back, and cut down on lots of foods. Mostly veggies no sweet snacks (though I've had some sherbet in the house but its 60 cals a serving so 1 snack ever few days isn't so bad right?)

I tried to cut out my morning coffee... but I can't!!! I quit smoking and I've cut out drinking (for the most part) I took the sugar out of my coffee... but its not enough!!!!!!

**Correction 176 was not correct as before weight**
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Another recent non-smoker here. AGGGHH. I miss it. Thinking about esmoking just till I can control my eating, but since I've not smoked for months now it seems that I should just deal with it. And controlling my sugar, snacks is just a matter of DOING IT.

I lost weight a couple years ago (about 30 lbs) by eating early dinners, sensible portions, low carbs, and keeping my energy level up after dinner. Also, thinking yourself thin does help. Looking in the mirror and thinking positive instead of negative thoughts.

artificial sweetners stimulate my appetite...arggg

So, I have to commit here or what? lol.
My problem is not so much my eating habits, I don't eat fatty things or a lot of sweets and carbs. I have never liked soda of any kind, don't sweeten my tea, don't put mayo on sandwiches[when I eat them], don't use any dressing on my salads. I guess you get the picture... I do however like a lot of salt. My biggest problem is burning the calories. So today I got on my son's treadmill
I managed a whole 10 minutes... at the slow speed. I will try again later since I cannot do this while DH is sleeping.
I have figured out looking back at photos of me... I was always 'skinny' when I was depressed or going through trying times. When I'm happy... I'm far from those skinny jean dreams. So is it bad to say lately I've been SO very happy with my life, I'm more over weight then ever before!? Weird...
It is NOT about doing the moves right yet! When you start its about trying to achieve them WITHOUT hurting yourself. Its the same thing with yoga... after 2 classes a week for 3 weeks, I could touch my toes!!!! I couldn't touch my toes since I was like 10!!! That was enough motivation to keep to going with the class. Now I can grab my foot over my head, and I'm trying to learn how to do a head stand. BUT I AM NOT LOSING WEIGHT! ARGH!

But see, half-arsing it isn't going to help me either. I stopped caring once I got to the "mat exercises" so I just laid there trying to regain control of my legs again. Who would have thought a few poses would rip you apart like that.

I picked up a yoga DVD also, to try and strengthen my back (to make it stop hurting so much), and forget that. I'll get a TRUE beginner's DVD before I try that one again.

I'm feeling the burn today. Just means that I need to do the tape again tonight!
I can understand that Vfem ...
Stress can cause you to lose weight....not only lack of eating, but I think your metabolism can change. Especially if its anxiety and stress.

Sometimes I feel like I am content, happy and comfortable with who I am and my weight/eating doesnt bother me. But maybe its the food making me happy and content! lol. Lately tho, I am not too thrilled looking in the mirror. Most days I am in sweats and muddy boots and a flannel jacket. Just got a bad hair cut and color and washed out from my usual tan sun complexion. Feeling pretty ugly lately.
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Yoga scares me
I envy those that can actually do it
I have no balance what so ever, and my flexibility is very limited. My work out video's consist of Walk away the pounds, core rhythms, and others that I haven't even tried. I've been pretty lazy when it comes to exercise. I know eventually I am going to have to do something, but for now I am just concentrating on healthy eating habits. I enjoy hearing about all the weight lose here, & the struggles as well. Right now all I want a big fat breakfast burrito from the mexican restaurant, but I'm going to have to settle for poached eggs on whole wheat.

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