Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

This sounds very good. Thanks for sharing, Im going to give it a try.

I tried this this morning and it was very good. I miss my mocha's so this really filled the void.

I'm so glad you tried it and liked it-isn't it yummy?!! I love my dunkaccino's but I know they're wicked bad for me and I so want the last of this flippin' weight off! I just walked an hour in 26 degree weather on the Erie Canal and had to do dodge snowmobilers, but it was so worth it. The sky was crystal clear blue with white puffy clouds and with my uncle's military snorkel jacket on, didn't feel the cold a bit! I hate going to the gym and sniffing all those sweaty bodies, mine included, so I am outdoors on the nicer days.
Ah, a couple more minutes of byc and then I'm off to the new h### hole for 3 more hours! Ugh, but the extra money is nice-we have no more credit cards, cut them all up and I need new floors desperately in this house. Three dogs and rugs are not a good combo!
OMG PB2 rocks!! I use it every morning on my rice cakes with bananas or just pb2 and sugar free raspberry jam on ww toast/muffins or rice cakes. I buy it at naturtyme up here, but they said they will be out until mid feb, so I stocked up. Have you tried the chocolate pb2?

Actually I haven't had it at all yet but I am a PB fanatic and have been wanting to try it because I use SO MANY of my point on peanut butter! LOL Everything I've seen says their out everywhere. I wonder what happened that even the manufacturer ran out?! I even tried EBAY! LOL That's sad! I am just so anxious to try it, and I guess I will have to find some way to curb my PB craving for a long while!
I tried this this morning and it was very good. I miss my mocha's so this really filled the void.

I'm so glad you tried it and liked it-isn't it yummy?!! I love my dunkaccino's but I know they're wicked bad for me and I so want the last of this flippin' weight off! I just walked an hour in 26 degree weather on the Erie Canal and had to do dodge snowmobilers, but it was so worth it. The sky was crystal clear blue with white puffy clouds and with my uncle's military snorkel jacket on, didn't feel the cold a bit! I hate going to the gym and sniffing all those sweaty bodies, mine included, so I am outdoors on the nicer days.
Ah, a couple more minutes of byc and then I'm off to the new h### hole for 3 more hours! Ugh, but the extra money is nice-we have no more credit cards, cut them all up and I need new floors desperately in this house. Three dogs and rugs are not a good combo!

REALLY anxious to try this! I already put cinnemon in my coffee so I am hoping this will curb the caffiene need and the chocolate craving that I expect I'll get in the next few days
I just need to get some of the sugar free swiss miss. I think I have reg giant brand hto cocoa packets but I don't know that I want to waste all the extra points just to try it a few days sooner! Thanks for sharing this!
I'm so glad you tried it and liked it-isn't it yummy?!! I love my dunkaccino's but I know they're wicked bad for me and I so want the last of this flippin' weight off! I just walked an hour in 26 degree weather on the Erie Canal and had to do dodge snowmobilers, but it was so worth it. The sky was crystal clear blue with white puffy clouds and with my uncle's military snorkel jacket on, didn't feel the cold a bit! I hate going to the gym and sniffing all those sweaty bodies, mine included, so I am outdoors on the nicer days.
Ah, a couple more minutes of byc and then I'm off to the new h### hole for 3 more hours! Ugh, but the extra money is nice-we have no more credit cards, cut them all up and I need new floors desperately in this house. Three dogs and rugs are not a good combo!

REALLY anxious to try this! I already put cinnemon in my coffee so I am hoping this will curb the caffiene need and the chocolate craving that I expect I'll get in the next few days
I just need to get some of the sugar free swiss miss. I think I have reg giant brand hto cocoa packets but I don't know that I want to waste all the extra points just to try it a few days sooner! Thanks for sharing this!

You're so welcome, and I hope that you can get your pb2 soon. I just checked out the bell plantation site and it didn't say they were out of stock. Maybe they've got it back in? It really does taste like fresh peanuts and is worth the price! I hear you about wasting points, it is so hard to adjust at first, but it gets easier as you continue on. Alright, I need to get myself off this puter and on to work!
I'm doing terribly! Gained back the 2 lbs I lost my first week.

I'm eating much healthier foods, but the portions are a really problem. I think my stomach needs to shrink! The portions, for example, of rice and beans, or lentils, are so small (at least to me)! I usually have about 2 cups of each, when the portion book calls for a half cup.
I'm eating raw celery and carrots like crazy as well as oranges and tea all the time.

Any suggestions?
What is pb2? Some type of peanut butter? Aunt flow came, so I've been having terrible cravings, needless to say my week is not off to a good start. I'm still trying but I've had to give in a few times to sweets & goodies.

I found a home for the last of my xmas hatch, they will go this weekend and I'll be left with two EE banties which I am keeping. They've been shacked up in my dining room, so as soon as the weather warms a bit they will be headed to the coop. Hope everyone's week is off to a good start.
Thanks alot! If I wasn't depressed before I am now. I need a donut.

I asked the doctor how I could lose 10#'s of ugly fat and he said "cut your head off."
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Hey aunt flow!! lol I always say big red is back in town for a week!! hehehhe Ugh, it sucks doesn't it-those stupid cravings?!!! Makes you want to scream. Ahh well, that made me chuckle.....back to business-PB2 is actually peanuts that have roasted and then the oil has been pressed out, leaving just pure nutty goodness without all the bad stuff. It is deeeelish and kinda pricey, but with 85% less fat than the regular stuff-well worth it! If you have a health/whole food store in your neighborhood they should have it, if they don't-tell them about it! Sometimes these places just don't know and they're more than willing to help you out. Worth a try anyways, ummm you can get it from or even has it too, just type PB2 in the search bar and it comes right up.

Airpopped popcorn is verrry low in fat and actually is excellent for you, being a whole grain and also has antioxidants believe it or not-according to last month's prevention magazine. Hey cool tidbit here, in this month's Prevention they're talking about clean eating (trying to do this now-makes perfect sense to me)and guess what!!! Pastured eggs were in there as the best egg type to eat, having 30% less sat fat and 200% more omega 3's than store bought, they mentioned lower cholesterol but the %age eludes me right now.

Keep chugging your liquids-helps with cravings. Actually, what helps with me is to eat a good healthy meal and have my 4-6 oz of wine. I don't drink as much as I used to, and my tolerance for alcohol is really low, so this little bit of wine kind of makes me sleepy and kills the cravings completely. I know alcohol contributes to a slower metabolism, but the way I look at is, if with the wine, I am within my points for the day and the wine will keep me from pigging out-bring on the wine!!

And if you must cheat-don't beat yourself up, tomorrow is another day!
ARGH! I missed Yoga tonight, was taking too long doing Taxes and couldn't make it to class. I'm so bummed, but since my husband is at the gym working out I'm going to do my sit ups, push ups and some Yoga positions to just relax. I really need to destress quickly.

P.s.- I enjoyed some of my 60 calories Kozy Shack No sugar added chocolate pudding! I LOVE THIS STUFF! Tastes more then 60 calories!

ETA : I'm 173, I was hoping for less... but that's a start!
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