Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

Are you serious you are almost on target already?! WOW!

Thanks!!! I remind you all that this NOT dieting... Works wonders for me!!!
Are you serious you are almost on target already?! WOW!

Thanks!!! I remind you all that this NOT dieting... Works wonders for me!!!

LMAO! Sell me your secrets!!!
vfem, Don't worry, I feel too like it's SOOO slow. I've lost nine pounds technically in 2 months! AGHHH Granted I gained a cpl back over the holidays and relost them but STILL! I feel like I am just to busy to dedicate the time though to fast weight loss. Besides, slow is what keeps it off right?! ( I too am a size 12 and they finally just started feeling too baggy in the lsat week or so)
I may need some yoga help! I printed off some WW yoga poses that I do with my abs and do them after my run, but since I have limited space and flexibility I only manage a few (I don't even remember the names of any of them except the warrior and I attempt the plank but only manage that for about 5 seconds! LOL) I am looking for a good DVD or movie or something that is about ten minutes worth of yoga that will touch a little bit of every part of the body. I also have been able to do a bridge lately which I havent done since 9th grade! (I forget what pose this is called)
AS far as your abs, are you a WWer? If so let me know I'll direct you to the abs workout I did and LOVE and got me FAST results...the week I started doing that was the week I started getting all the "you lost weight" compliments and I think it's because it changed my shape quickly. IF not, let me know and I'll see if I can copy it to here ;-)
sorry gang. For those of you that dont know DS has persiodic fever syndrome and has been going through some med changes the past few weeks. Basically had a fever non stop for the last three weeks. High fevers. Last evening I got home from school and checked his temp when he woke up- it was 107.6. So yeah... even for him that's too high. Spent 16 hours in the ER for them to basically give him more tylenol, nausea medicine for his belly PAIN (if he doesnt have nausea how is that supp to help?! Which it didn't) and then be told by the ER doc that "IF he starts showing signs of appendicitis (which I guess is what they thought it was bc his belly hurts, even though it ALWAYS hurts with his fevers. Its part of the syndrome) then bring him back, otherwise continue to see his specialist about the PFS." Pardon my language but NO S**T?! I was thinking the fact that his fever was that high and organs were probably suffering some damage would mean something or at LEAST earn him some IV fluids to rehydrate his dry lil butt and maybe some pain medicine for the belly, not nausea meds! But nooooo nothing like that. No labs (which I'm sure his CRP probably 16-18 times the normal level as it usually is during his fevers), no fluids, no pain meds, not nothing. They sent him through triage at 7 and checked his temp when they checked him in there, then we sat in the waiting room for 8 hours before we even got back to a room...where they NEVER EVEN RECHECKED HIS TEMP! Grrr I'm such a mad mommy eight now. Needless to say nothing's changed. He still has fever, and belly pain and joint pain. And the sad part is, I WORK in that hospital and just covered a shift in the ER last week! I could not have been more upset with them.
Soooo anyway, my real point was I will look it up and post the link, and if you girls can't see the link just let me know and I'll try copying and pasting or something. I guess my weight should be good though since I didn't eat anything after lunch yesterday until 3pm today LOL
snowed in here with 18" of snow that fell last I've made the duncaccino twice...oh my SOOOO yummy! I think it's become my new favorite treat! Thanks!!! I also made a cake that is low in fat, and is 2 WW pts. Simply take a box angel food cake mix, stir in a 22oz jar of sugar free pie filling and bake for 35 minutes. (Although I used the leftover canned peaches we had with dinner last night and their syrup and some blueberries I had frozen) Don't add ANY other ingrediants (meaning not the water the box calls for) mix is up, pour it in a 9x13 and bake and mmmmmmm!
Does anyone know what I can take for sore muscles? I thought I read of some food or supplement in this thread.I am sooooo sore from shoveling the driveway yesterday.We only got 17 inches,but it took a day to shovel,and I still have more to do today.

Also,does anyone have and/or recommend the living well healthmaster blender?

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