Anyone with Pitties?

So what d'y'all think of my Pit Bull(s)? Didn't all that cuteness just kill you?
on the topic of the heavy chains... i looked at my pics an the only heavy duty one is the one i tie my female out on ( while we do yard work) she's broken, eaten or otherwise gotten off 3 cable runners ( coated and uncoated) 2 lightweight chains and a boat tie up ( the ones as thick as your arm?) so the big chain keeps her safe, both from getting off and possibly running into the road or from getting off and killing one of our other critters ( chickens, goats, ducks ect). I like to tie her out for an hour or so in the evenings after it gets cool and in the 'winter' i like her to go for a few hours while we're home.

and my one guy with his ears done my vet reccomended it because those suckers were THICK. Seriously... like little steaks attached to his head!
Here are a couple pictures of Max, our fence jumper.





My neighbor has 2 pits, a red nose, and a knuckle head puppy. I guess today there were some people who pulled in his driveway and were looking in his backyard. Luckily, the dogs are kept inside while they work. He warned my DS, who is home during the day on summer break, to keep an eye out. He thinks they were looking for his dogs, and he suggested we chain Max up, or keep him inside. I'm not sure how they knew there were pits back here as you can't see our houses from the road. Kinda scarey!

Everybody loves a bullie! This is Lucky, she was a rescue. They were going to put her down and we found her with about 24 hours to go - that's why she is Lucky. The owner before us had let the chain grow into her neck to the point of surgery to remove it. They chained her to the front door of the Craven county animal shelter, at least they had enough sense to do that. Anyway, she had zero people skills, zero pack skills we figured they got her as a puppy, put the chain on and cya. We have had her for 3 years now and she has come sooooooooooo far. On the 2nd pic you can still see the scar right under her collar from the chain.



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At one time you would be correct. However, modern Pit Bull breeders are selecting AWAY from dog aggression as a desired trait. The only people who select FOR dog aggression are people who breed for dog to dog fighting. Dog aggression has NO purpose other than for dog fights and is the one trait that makes Pit Bulls and the like so hated by so many people.

Anyone breeding these dogs should never, ever...EVER breed a dog that has dog aggression problems. That only purpetuates the aggression in the genetics. Its irresponsible.

You took the words right out of my mouth. Thank you!

This is the new age of Pit Bulls and dog-aggression has no place.
Why are you breeding dogs with known dog aggression?

I am sorry for not making myself clear when describing the temperment of the dogs and for also stating that they are "aggressive", definitely not what I was trying to express.We live on a small farm, not too many neighbors and not too many other dogs passing by but when an unfamiliar dog, cat, rabbit, or bird comes into their "territory", they become very protective and guarded, thats what I meant to say when I stated that they were totally dog aggressive. We load up the dogs and take them walking at a nearby park everyday where there are also other dogs and our dogs dont become aggressive to any of the dogs. They see the dogs and their temperments stay calm, and interact gently with them. We also take them to the beach weekly to run and swim, where there are also other dogs enjoying the same exercises and our dogs have never showed any type of aggression there either. We take them riding with us in the car alot and when we pass by all the pastures where the livestock are grazing right along the road, the dogs still maintain their composures. We would never take the dogs off the property where other animals were if there was the slightest hint of animal aggression. Our pack leader, the 5 yr old male, even helped raise our 6 wk. old pot belly pig, she slept in the folds of his tummy everynight with us in our bed til she outgrew the bed. They still hold their loyality to one another, 4 yrs later.

I will not breed any dog with signs of animal aggression. Many people have wanted to breed with our bloodline because they have seen what beautiful, well tempered dogs we have. I do not breed outside of our bloodline. Our purpose for "breeding" is to better the breed. We have turned down many people interested in obtaining one of our dogs as well because of their intentions for aquiring one was against our beliefs or they did not pass the many home inspections that we mandate before signing a contract for an agreement of sell.

It is unfortunate that the pitbulls have gained a bad reputation of being aggressive due to dog fighting. I believe all dogs have the aggressive behavior, not just the pitbulls, but it is up to the owner and the responsibilty of the owner to teach the dog not to be aggressive. So once again, my piits are not aggressive, they are territorial of their property and do an excellent job of safeguarding all our animals.

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