April 2020 Hatch-A-Long! All are welcome!

Coming on over from the March Hatch-a-long. I'm working from home now, possibly through May, so why not? I set another batch of ameraucana eggs this afternoon, so they'll be due April 13. Slightly disappointed to miss the EHAL but my ameraucana hen took her sweet time laying these seven eggs.

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I want more Ameraucana eggs so badly. I'll probably have to wait until May, though. Sigh.
I want more Ameraucana eggs so badly. I'll probably have to wait until May, though. Sigh.

I have 27 Ameraucana eggs set right now! I'm so excited about hatching these babies! One of my favorite broody hens is thinking about going broody again but hasn't committed yet. If she does I'm going to be giving her a whole brood of babies. lol
I have 27 Ameraucana eggs set right now! I'm so excited about hatching these babies! One of my favorite broody hens is thinking about going broody again but hasn't committed yet. If she does I'm going to be giving her a whole brood of babies. lol
So jealous!!! If only I had a third bator 😭. I'm trying to be patient, my husband is on board with the Ameraucana project but my bators will be full until May. He definitely won't let me get a third incubator right now.

If a hen with 3 babies is cute, I cant even imagine how cute it would be to have a big ol' brood 😍.
So jealous!!! If only I had a third bator 😭. I'm trying to be patient, my husband is on board with the Ameraucana project but my bators will be full until May. He definitely won't let me get a third incubator right now.

If a hen with 3 babies is cute, I cant even imagine how cute it would be to have a big ol' brood 😍.

Too bad you're not closer! I would hook you up with some chicks! ...I did buy a used Nurture Right in order to set these eggs. :oops: My husband didn't say a word but there's no way he didn't notice. :lau
I have 27 Ameraucana eggs set right now! I'm so excited about hatching these babies! One of my favorite broody hens is thinking about going broody again but hasn't committed yet. If she does I'm going to be giving her a whole brood of babies. lol

What color are your ams? Two of my marans hens went broody last summer, I'm hoping for a repeat.
Too bad you're not closer! I would hook you up with some chicks! ...I did buy a used Nurture Right in order to set these eggs. :oops: My husband didn't say a word but there's no way he didn't notice. :lau
If I could guarantee that I'd make the money back I dont think he would mind too much. But with the lockdown that doesnt seem feasible, even though people are going crazy for chickens in my area! 😩
Maybe later in the year when things calm down a bit 😈
What color are your ams? Two of my marans hens went broody last summer, I'm hoping for a repeat.

They came from a rainbow flock. She used to separate her pens but doesn't anymore. I definitely saw Lavender, Black, Wheaten, Silver, White, and some kind of red pattern. They were beautiful but it will be a complete surprise what hatches!
They're in the Easter hatch-a-long but look at the pretties!🤩

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One of my favorite broody hens is thinking about going broody again but hasn't committed yet.
How can you tell she wants to go broody? I have 2 girls that fluff themselves up at me if I even look at them to get their eggs and hiss/growl while sitting in the nesting boxes. Then they stay in their boxes for a few hours before going about their normal chicken business.
How can you tell she wants to go broody? I have 2 girls that fluff themselves up at me if I even look at them to get their eggs and hiss/growl while sitting in the nesting boxes. Then they stay in their boxes for a few hours before going about their normal chicken business.

Well my hens don't make broody noises or hiss as me typically so when they sound like velociraptors it's usually a good sign that they're thinking about it. She has also been flattening out like a pancake in the nestbox when she lays her daily egg. The only thing I haven't heard from her yet is the tell tale ticking time bomb cluck that broodies always do.

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