April 2021 Hatch - A - Long

I’m jumping into this thread. Hope you guys aren’t opposed to Ducklings in this thread! (Couldn’t find a duck specific April hatch a long). It will be my 1st ever duck hatch! My March chicken hatch went sooo good (20 of 24 hatched)& now I’m hoping the same for my duck eggs.

I set them on the 20th so hatch day is April 17th-19th as I added eggs on day 1 & 2 as my girls were laying them. I marked each so I know while candling. I won’t be candling until day 10 (perhaps 14 if I can make it).
Team Silkie!!! :celebrate

any input for a first time hatcher of silkie eggs? Maybe peculiarities? Or commonly need to assist hatching. Anything like that? I’m going to try and be more hands off than I was last time.

last go around I had all 9 develop but only 5 make it to hatch and I think that may in part be because I was frequently inspecting.

any input for a first time hatcher of silkie eggs? Maybe peculiarities? Or commonly need to assist hatching. Anything like that? I’m going to try and be more hands off than I was last time.

last go around I had all 9 develop but only 5 make it to hatch and I think that may in part be because I was frequently inspecting.
I totally get it. I have a hard time leaving things be as well. 😊
Candling daily does not hurt anything. Remember a broody hen will get off the nest 1-2 times day for up to an hour.
I think most important to not open the incubator too much during lockdown, something I am guilty of.
I do not think silkies necessarily need more help than others. Though I have experienced that ones with vaulted skulls tend to have a bit more difficulty getting out of the shell. Silkies come in a vaulted and a non vaulted skull variety. You can have both in the same batch of chicks.
Goes back to when polish were introduced to improve crest size.
I think the real difference is shipped vs non shipped eggs.
I have some shipped eggs on the Easter HAL that I am treating very differently this time, hoping for a better hatch rate than this last go round.
Some say silkie eggs need a bit higher humidity, due to their smaller size, but I had good results with my own eggs with a humidity of 25%.
The shipped eggs though that I am currently incubating are running about 35-40%.
Are the eggs you are getting shipped?😊
I’m jumping into this thread. Hope you guys aren’t opposed to Ducklings in this thread! (Couldn’t find a duck specific April hatch a long). It will be my 1st ever duck hatch! My March chicken hatch went sooo good (20 of 24 hatched)& now I’m hoping the same for my duck eggs.

I set them on the 20th so hatch day is April 17th-19th as I added eggs on day 1 & 2 as my girls were laying them. I marked each so I know while candling. I won’t be candling until day 10 (perhaps 14 if I can make it).
Ducklings are more than welcome! Can't wait to see photos of what you hatch!🥰
Congrats on the great chick hatch!
I'm joining!

So, the person I was saving eggs for hasn't replied, and I was stressing out about them dropping in fertility, when the suggestion came: "set them!" So, two minutes later I was in the basement plugging in the 'bator.

I'm using a Hovabator 1588 for the second time. I think the temp was too low last time so I upped it a notch. I think. The temp settings are confusing. Oh well, I did my best!

In a few minutes I'll set over a dozen silkie eggs and maybe some silkie/bantam Orpington mixes. I'll report the exact count soon.

Let the party begin!
I just sold some hatching eggs as well. I told myself if he doesn't show up... no stress, I'll just set them myself... my machine will hold those as well as the ones I am collecting for myself... NO problem!
And wouldn't you know it the guy came and picked them up!!!?? :rant:barnie;););)
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I totally get it. I have a hard time leaving things be as well. 😊
Candling daily does not hurt anything. Remember a broody hen will get off the nest 1-2 times day for up to an hour.
I think most important to not open the incubator too much during lockdown, something I am guilty of.
I do not think silkies necessarily need more help than others. Though I have experienced that ones with vaulted skulls tend to have a bit more difficulty getting out of the shell. Silkies come in a vaulted and a non vaulted skull variety. You can have both in the same batch of chicks.
Goes back to when polish were introduced to improve crest size.
I think the real difference is shipped vs non shipped eggs.
I have some shipped eggs on the Easter HAL that I am treating very differently this time, hoping for a better hatch rate than this last go round.
Some say silkie eggs need a bit higher humidity, due to their smaller size, but I had good results with my own eggs with a humidity of 25%.
The shipped eggs though that I am currently incubating are running about 35-40%.
Are the eggs you are getting shipped?😊
Local pickups. Some shells already have cracks, but are whole, one or two have saddled air sac. But the rest seem fine, maybe I could see the higher humidity recommendation. These seem to be shrinking down a bit more than I expected them too. But you know I’m sooo experienced at this! Been doing it for days!
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Local pickups. Some shells already have cracks, but are whole, one or two have saddled air sac. But the rest seem fine, maybe I could see the higher humidity recommendation. These seem to be shrinking down a bit more than I expected them too. But you know I’m soool experienced at this! Been doing it for days!
You learn something every hatch.😊
Your chances are better, not being shipped. You can put a little nail polish on the cracks to seal them.

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