April Egg Swap....Partners pending

crossing fingers
for all the babies to hatch!!! Cant wait to see pics of them. Jen i had one pip and then sit for 48 hours... no need to worry too much
I just got home and I have two ducks in my hatcher! There's some brown gooey stuff in there, can't tell if its poop or part of the membranes or what. I'm just gonna leave them there til in the morning.
Mine didn't do as well as I thought. I have 1 black OEGB baby, and 1 mottled cochin. I still have the 3 scovy eggs in the bator, though one looks like it has quit. I don't know what the deal is with those, I haven't been able to hatch scovies at all so far. Any tips on hatching them?
I only hatched one muscovie myself.
Out of my swap eggs, I got 3 to hatch, my best ever on swap eggs
though I was surprised that I did not get 6 of all one breed but a mix of several different breeds, I guess, I didn't understand the rules.
Yeah, there are no specs on how many of one breed you have to send, if you send pures. They just have to be purebred. So if your buddy is the type that has umpteenmillion different breeds (like I will be eventually), you could get 1 egg from each breed. It's okay if they are breeds you already have like mine were (I needed bbs OEGB, I just hope it's a roo! And I have mottled bantam cochins of my own), but if it's a totally different breed, then it kind of sucks. I don't think I would ever send 1 egg from each breed, but since mine are bantam (mostly, right now anyway), and I don't have many of each breed, I'll probably have to send like 2 or 3 eggs of each breed, once they all start laying. But this fall, I'll have tons of different ones, LF and bantam, so my buddies then will get a good mix

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