April Egg Swap....Partners pending

Sorry to hold things up guys. I had to run out for a little while. I'll check the pms now and get the ball rolling.
Hey Amanda, my eggs are hatching!!
I know that I have at least 1 cochin hatched, and 1 OEGB (black) from your eggs. I don't think I tossed any eggs from the ones you sent, but the little bantam EE egg doesn't look right. It looks like it is a bit delayed, don't know what's up with that. It could have died, and just didn't look dead yet. Once they are done hatching I'll give you the final count. I have some of my bantam cochins' eggs in there as well, so I have a lot of black mottled babies in the bator! Don't know which are which, I'll have to wait till I can count shells!!
one of mine hatched... and died, he hatched with his belly out. And nothing else of mine hatched. YET i am trying again.... this month lol

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