Are my chicks ok?

boys mom 70

7 Years
Nov 6, 2012
I have 16 and 20 week old chickens who aren't laying yet but some have starting molting.
They acting fine and eating well. Is this normal?
Did they go through a juvenile molt yet? No real bald spots on them, but feathers around the coop and run? That's what mine went through a month ago and they were born late March. My first egg was three weeks ago.
Personally I've never had a chicken molt that early. They usually go through 2 little molts between hatch and this age as they moved from the down stage to the feather stage, then to the adult feather stage, but don't start an annual molt until the following year. Have you checked for parasites or feather picking?
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Chicken molt I think 4 times between hatch and one year old.
My 18 weekers are shedding a few feathers now and growing in larger ones.
Thanks for your answers. I've seen no parasite activity or signs? I've seen no eggs either!! I'm just getting impatient. Thanks again!

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