are my eggs ok? Got new chicks! come take a look at the video!

In my last batch I had some zip in 15 minutes and others that were more than 6 hours! Either way they hatched out ok. Important-DO NOT open the bator no matter how tempted you are. Sit on your hands and be patient.
Ok now I have 2 pips in the same egg. Is that good?
Is that zipping? The pips are about an 2 cm apart.
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Yep, that's the start of the zipping. The chick will turn a complete 360 pecking and pipping.. Sometimes it will even make a couple 360's to do a good job. YaY for you.. Come on chickies!!!!!!!!
They sometimes hatch out the wrong end, usually its just fine. They'll hatch first because they don't have the airsack to pip into. Everyone else will likely not start for a bit because they're all breathing into the air cell.
3! I have 3 pips!
I believe I should be calling it zipping now. I hope I have little fuzzybuts running around in the incubator tomorrow morning.

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