Are my Khaki Campells females or males?

One is noticeably smaller than the other two, but that often evens out as eating takes over from egg-living-room-service

I tried checking vents but they were so recently out of the shell that they had yet to poop, and there was no vent

I may try again this weekend... (Isn't that what everyone does on the weekend? Stare at the butt holes of ducklings?)
One is noticeably smaller than the other two, but that often evens out as eating takes over from egg-living-room-service

I tried checking vents but they were so recently out of the shell that they had yet to poop, and there was no vent

I may try again this weekend... (Isn't that what everyone does on the weekend? Stare at the butt holes of ducklings?)
Be careful if you don't know exactly how to vent check them. They claim you can actually kill the duckling if you are inexperienced at it. They sure are Cutie Pies.
Be careful if you don't know exactly how to vent check them. They claim you can actually kill the duckling if you are inexperienced at it. They sure are Cutie Pies.
I read one description where it says if you take more than 20sec before putting them back right side up they die.

We need to find a better way... I need them born with drake feathers!
I’m going to guess boy with the darker head and girl with the lighter
But still hard at this age to say for sure
Do they sound different at all ?
Above is your reply from months ago..

For future reference ☺️

The one in the foreground grew up to be a girl (who now has 3 babies of her own!)

The one in the back is my squawky momma's boy.

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