Are staples enough?

Do you know what kind of staples were used?

From my research, it's safer to either cover the stapled areas with boards, or use some kind of screws/washers.

Can you post pics of your setup?
Depends on what kind of staples. If they are the U shaped fencing staples probably not. But, if they are the construction staples typically applied with a mechanical or electric staple gun, most definitely, even the most wimpy predator can pry those loose. When in doubt, go for overkill in your predator proofing. I prefer to use an electric stapler with the construction staples to hold the hdw cloth in place, and then screw an other board over the top. An other favorite method (of mine) is rust proof screws and fender washers. I buy fender washers by the pound, and start to panic if I can't find my stash of fender washers!!!
I think it depends on what you call staples.
These are 1.5" narrow crown staples used in construction.

This is what I used but you need a crown stapler with an air compressor to shoot them in. I stapled 1/2" Hardware cloth over everything then a layer of 2X4 weed wire over that. Nothing but a bear is pulling that down, I have four stands of hot wire at 15K volts for his arse.

If you're talking about using the t-50 staples from your staple gun then no I do not thing it is sufficiant for the job application.

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