Are they KC? Male or Female?

This thread was very helpful. I have two 5 week old KCs as well. One is pretty chatty already so I'm assuming it is a female. Oddly enough, the quieter one is lighter than the other one.

Mine are VERY chatty and extremely loud if separated even for 5 seconds. I've heard the breed is chatty in general, but these are my first KCs so we'll see how they compare to my Swedish once they move in with the flock.
@afwifey Your ducklings are a little older than my two KCs. How old when you first noticed a quack or noticed a difference in their voices? I know you are still waiting and it's just an educated guess at this point, but when were you first suspicious that you had one of each?
They seemed to grow at different rates from the beginning and around 4 weeks I heard a difference in their voices. There is a sight difference in their face shape and their beans at the tip of their bills are different colors.
This thread was very helpful. I have two 5 week old KCs as well. One is pretty chatty already so I'm assuming it is a female. Oddly enough, the quieter one is lighter than the other one.
My chattier one is the one I’m assuming is male actually. My lighter (I am assuming female) one is louder but talks a lot less and has a lighter bean.
Just some updated photos. Still have a quacker and a squeaker.

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