Are We Under Terrorist Attack?? Gas $6.79 near me!!!

I've bought and driven Priuses since 2003. That's unlike the majority of people who are driving the largest cars, SUV's, pickup truck... ; the list of and desire for "STATUS" transportation in the U.S. is endless.
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Ya wanna save a lot of energy in the U.S.? Turn off the street lights and other unnecessary lights at night. If you've ever flown over the U.S. at night, you can see that this country is lit up from California to New York. Do we really imagine street lights' stopping crime ANYWHERE? Personally, I prefer being able to see the stars at night.
I personally think streetlights HELP crime. Think about it...most teenagers would never walk out in the dark alone in the's so dark you can't see your hand in front of your face most of the time! City kids wouldn't leave thier houses without light:>)
you hit the nail on the head! My husband chooses a car with exceptional mpg because of his long commute while some of his other peers are trying to out do each other with the car status thing, regardless of gas consumption. UGH.
Don't get me wrong, I also understand the importance of the trucks and suv's for people with farms, etc. I don't want to get that debate started.
Priuses are ok but as good or better highway mileage was had with an old honda crx or vw rabbit. Old 1980s tech beat the prius good mileage wise. I also am not convinced that prius ever saves enough fuel to make up for the extra energy it took to build it. What about battery disposal? I am unconvinced hybrids are the answer. Give me an old school diesel engine without all the smog junk on it, a five speed tranny and a light 70s-early 80s econo body and I will build a car that never gets below 60 mpg in my own garage. It would burn just as clean as the smog system choked cars too.
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Couple comments:

As I said earlier the gas station owners are not to blame here. Yes there are a few
bad ones but most are just business owners trying to make a profit. As gas prices
climb the station owners end up making less because the competition is so great.
I'd rather make a nickel on $2 gas than $.07 on $4 gas. Plus the customer might
come in and buy a soda and bag of chips which I'll make more money on than the
fillup in their tank. Thanks Ninja and Rufus for mentioning my original post.

I agree with Joe about the amount of energy wasted in this country. Most of you
wouldn't believe the waste I see on industial or manufacturing sites.

I'm not a big Prius fan but I am a Toyota fan and commend them for having the
brains to take the lead on more fuel efficient vehicles. I love hybrid technology I
just have concerns with the batteries and the other costs of operation.

I drive a Dodge Sprinter van, made by Mercedes, for work. I weigh 10,000 pounds
and get 22 MPG. My last van was a Ford which got 14 MPG. Hmmm. Funny thing
is Ford makes almost the identicle van as Mercedes but DOESN'T SELL IT IN THE U.S.
Give me an old school diesel engine without all the smog junk on it, a five speed tranny and a light 70s-early 80s econo body and I will build a car that never gets below 60 mpg in my own garage. It would burn just as clean as the smog system choked cars too.

Yeah, right, uh huh, sure, ... And UNTIL then? You've certainly had time to build it; what happened?
Give me an old school diesel engine without all the smog junk on it, a five speed tranny and a light 70s-early 80s econo body and I will build a car that never gets below 60 mpg in my own garage. It would burn just as clean as the smog system choked cars too.

Yeah, right, uh huh, sure, ... And UNTIL then? You've certainly had time to build it; what happened?

It takes money I don't have plus I have no use for it. My lifestyle dictates a truck plain and simple. I am looking for an old perkins diesel (yes a tractor engine) and a early 80s ranger body. My goal is 50 mpg just gotta find the goods and try to make it a reality. With the weight and aerodynamics of a truck it would present some challenge.
Say it can't be done all you want but it has been done in several fullsize trucks.,2086,38902732_0_119612146,00.html Never say can't be done.
With all due respect you have no idea what I have done or what I can do. That being said I do not want this to turn into a debate or get too argumentative so I am out. Have a nice day.

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