Arizona Chickens

Chickens will almost never eat what isn't good for them. Did they eat the bandaid - probably not - its somewhere or the wind blew it. Don't panic - don't be crazy throwing stuff on the ground but don't panic. Believe me with the wind around here they have had many chances to peck at stuff that isn't good for them. One was fiberglass insulation. Peck - that't not good - walk away. I'm sure they all checked it out but they did not continue to peck. I'm also sure there are horror storied too - I bet City Farm will remember who it was that had someone eat a nail or screw - its shiny - and that was horrid. Hang it there and trust in their instinct!

HaHaHaHaHa! All chickens are not alike. Mine eat Styrofoam. Every bit they can get their beaks on. Not good for them, but didn't seem to cause long-term harm either.
That is so beautiful, and such a pretty blue up there in the sky! Any good news to update on your hubby yet?

Yes and no on the good news. He's healing...slowly...but we discovered today that he also sustained major damage to his lower back. The L5-S1 disc, the lowest disc in your back before the lumbar connects with the tail bone, that disc has been completely destroyed and the bilateral nerves going down both of his legs are being compressed. Luckily his lower spinal cord isn't being impinged, only the cervical spinal cord, so only one surgery will be required. I'm trying really hard to help him adjust his thinking into seeing himself as a survivor instead of as a victim, but it's an uphill battle.
No evidence of band aids on the poop boards or anywhere else this morning. Everyone is acting like business as usual, 4 girls already laid their eggs. How long do guys think it would take to pass them out the other end? Or, if they are stuck and cause an issue in the digestive tract, how long until they would start exhibiting symptoms? :idunnoI wish I knew who ate them, if they even were eaten in the first place. Good news is the vet wrap is still on! I'll redo it tonight before roost.

Chickens are so much tougher than we realize. One of my hens plucked a pearl earring right out of my ear and swallowed it before I had a chance to react. She lived for three years after that without any hint of a problem.
Yes and no on the good news. He's healing...slowly...but we discovered today that he also sustained major damage to his lower back. The L5-S1 disc, the lowest disc in your back before the lumbar connects with the tail bone, that disc has been completely destroyed and the bilateral nerves going down both of his legs are being compressed. Luckily his lower spinal cord isn't being impinged, only the cervical spinal cord, so only one surgery will be required. I'm trying really hard to help him adjust his thinking into seeing himself as a survivor instead of as a victim, but it's an uphill battle.

My hubby had that laser spinal surgery a few years back because some of his dics in the backbone were deteriorated and rubbing against each other. The problem was really painful for him, but that surgery helped him a lot. I was amazed that they did it all in one day and he was able to come home that same day!
Yes and no on the good news. He's healing...slowly...but we discovered today that he also sustained major damage to his lower back. The L5-S1 disc, the lowest disc in your back before the lumbar connects with the tail bone, that disc has been completely destroyed and the bilateral nerves going down both of his legs are being compressed. Luckily his lower spinal cord isn't being impinged, only the cervical spinal cord, so only one surgery will be required. I'm trying really hard to help him adjust his thinking into seeing himself as a survivor instead of as a victim, but it's an uphill battle.
This sounds so painful :hmm Thank goodness more damage wasn't done, being so close to the lower spinal cord...he is most definitely a survivor.
Like you said not wonderful but could be way worse. Here's how I think of the victim/survivor thing. Must remember that I am broken in my thinking as I spent over 30 years in Probation/Parole. You are a survivor when it comes to your family. In other words you do everything you can do to survive to allow you family life - maybe a bit modified but you survive. You are a victim when it comes to the courts/money. When my dear hubby had a 12 ft ladder collapse while working on an airplane he took out his shoulder - took forever to get it where it is today. He survived and is as active as possible. BUT when it came to the workmen's comp court my testimony said he would never change an overhead light bulb - it would all be on me - yep got extra $$. AND he has not changed an overhead at all!! Survivor I say, survivor! Sending more positive thoughts your way.
Yes and no on the good news. He's healing...slowly...but we discovered today that he also sustained major damage to his lower back. The L5-S1 disc, the lowest disc in your back before the lumbar connects with the tail bone, that disc has been completely destroyed and the bilateral nerves going down both of his legs are being compressed. Luckily his lower spinal cord isn't being impinged, only the cervical spinal cord, so only one surgery will be required. I'm trying really hard to help him adjust his thinking into seeing himself as a survivor instead of as a victim, but it's an uphill battle.

That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt though right? Poor guy. At least there's a light at the end of the tunnel :)

My husband has a foot long scar with spinal fusion and disk replaced. He had spinal stenosis so bad he was becoming paralyzed slowly.

Surgery can work wonders! . hope you find an excellent surgeon and your hubs is feeling much better soon!

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