Ascites?? Swollen, squishy abdomen - WITH PICS & VIDEO (page 9)

Buttercup has been filling back up with fluid over the past few days, so we decided to drain her this morning. I've already detailed my process on this thread, but I thought it would be helpful to actually see how I do it in case any of you aren't comfortable draining yourself and want to see it. Normally my husband holds her while I drain her, but he had to take the video so I held and drained her by myself. It is much easier, though, to have someone else hold your hen so you can get a better view for draining.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.
Whoops, fixed it! Sorry, I had set it as private, but now it's public so you should be able to view.

Buttercup seems to be feeling much better! I'm sure it's like a weight was lifted off her. Still no eggs from Chickabod! Thanks for asking :)
Thanks! I'm so glad it made you feel more confident - that was my goal! How is Bene doing lately? Let us know how it goes if you decide to drain her.

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