worms are working everytime i have something in my hand they run to me and even sometimes with nothing they run to me specialy the plymouths which are snack hounds. putting them outside raised there morale to the main chicken i want to be friendly is the maran rooster i dont want him to be mean atall
worms are working everytime i have something in my hand they run to me and even sometimes with nothing they run to me specialy the plymouths which are snack hounds. putting them outside raised there morale to the main chicken i want to be friendly is the maran rooster i dont want him to be mean atall

Im glad its working just keep being around them they will be ok
Ok, so I just got 3 chicks so what are some things that would go on my shopping list? I already have the hutch, the water mechanism and food. Any other things I would need or possibly want for the little gals?
Ok, so I just got 3 chicks so what are some things that would go on my shopping list? I already have the hutch, the water mechanism and food. Any other things I would need or possibly want for the little gals?
heat lamp, wood chips are good bedding, water, feed , and good safe place to stay is bout all the necessary things... if u wanna pick them up a lil treat meal worms are a favorite
worms will really win them over just dont substitute for main meal... just keep working with them once they realize they have nothing to fear they will relax
Hi my silkie is sitting on her eggs but is still in with others as when I moved her I had to move her back as stopped sitting. I am thinking of either leaving her with them or moving her and chicks once they are here. The other hens are pecking her a little when she comes out for food and water. This is worrying as I don't know if they will hurt the chicks! The worry with moving her with the chicks is that she will abandon them as she did when I moved her and the eggs? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am loving keeping chickens as not been doing it long, just hard to know what to do for the best and these are my first chicks.
I have a 5 week old silkie, she's just not growing. I bought 3 the same day, the other 2 are 3 times her size. She is smaller than my 4 week olds. It seems like she eats fine, holds her own with the bigger chicks. Should I be worried about her size?
Hi my silkie is sitting on her eggs but is still in with others as when I moved her I had to move her back as stopped sitting. I am thinking of either leaving her with them or moving her and chicks once they are here. The other hens are pecking her a little when she comes out for food and water. This is worrying as I don't know if they will hurt the chicks! The worry with moving her with the chicks is that she will abandon them as she did when I moved her and the eggs? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am loving keeping chickens as not been doing it long, just hard to know what to do for the best and these are my first chicks.

chickens peck each other for lots of different reasons... as long as she dont bleed or show any signs of injury I wouldnt be to worried bout it. Once the babies are hatched she will protect them but it would not hurt for u to watch and observe their actions around one another to make sure the momma can handle protecting her babies
I have a 5 week old silkie, she's just not growing. I bought 3 the same day, the other 2 are 3 times her size. She is smaller than my 4 week olds. It seems like she eats fine, holds her own with the bigger chicks. Should I be worried about her size?

as long as she eating healthy and acts healthy I wouldnt be alarmed

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