Attacked by Racoon, Severe Injuries, Emergency, Plz Help

I do not think over dosing her on vitamins is a good idea.
You should probably not be giving her more Nutri Drench then what the bottle says.
Ok, I hear you... I only did it bcz someone else said they did it, and because she wasn't eating, so thought it would be ok :(
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Well this just stinks...she does have all the symptoms for that Cocci...I thought it was bcz she wasn't feeling well...(healing from injuries)

Could Cocci could also account for the noises in her stomach?

I'll order the Corid right now...

Could she have gotten it because her immune system was down, due to the attack?

And is that why our other birds don't have it, because we separated her right away?

(I only read one article real quick, it had a link to a NADS (sp?) site that had the symptoms & an explanation. I'll read more.)

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