Attacked by Racoon, Severe Injuries, Emergency, Plz Help

Ok, got the Corid, but I still have questions..

There are directions for a 5 day and 21 day 'Regular?' treatment...And directions for a 5 & 21 day 'Drench' treatment...

What is the difference between the two? and
Which one do I choose?

Is there a simple recipe that doesn't involve a calculator to figure out the ratio of water to medicine?

I see there's a number on the bag to call, and I will, but my phone needs to charge, again (I need a new one) and thought I'd try here too, thank you
Mix two teaspoons of the Corid with one gallon of water.
Use this as their only water source for 5 to 7 days.
Mix a new batch each day.
In addition to the above..
Mix 1/2 teaspoon of Corid with 2 teaspoons of water and give each bird 3 drops right now.

EDIT to correct the 4 to a 3
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If you can get your hands on some pro biotics in powder form to mix in w/any liquid type food you are able to give her it may help restore intestinal micro biome[gurgling problem?].

Some one else seconded my notion that a cold bird has less appetite. Just the fact of her injuries could lower her body temp or ability to self regulate her temp. Instead of a heat pad you could place a lowish watt bulb over part of her box and it may feel good to her to 'bask' in the pseudo sun for a bit.

Just two thoughts I had ...

See above Kiki replied ;)
If you can get your hands on some pro biotics in powder form to mix in w/any liquid type food you are able to give her it may help restore intestinal micro biome[gurgling problem?].

Some one else seconded my notion that a cold bird has less appetite. Just the fact of her injuries could lower her body temp or ability to self regulate her temp. Instead of a heat pad you could place a lowish watt bulb over part of her box and it may feel good to her to 'bask' in the pseudo sun for a bit.

Just two thoughts I had ...

See above Kiki replied ;)
I agree.
Mix two teaspoons of the Corid with one gallon of water.
Use this as their only water source for 5 to 7 days.
Mix a new batch each day.

Thank you so much! I think you're the one who wrote the dosing article?
Our Corid is 20%m not the .06% listed in there. Should we take it back and look for a lower % or do they make a Poultry Corid?
In the pic that was posted here, it was a liquid and it had the cow graphic on it, so I thought this was ok..?
Thank you, I just found a link for dosing, but it's for .06% Corid, ours is a bovine powder and it's 20%!? I'm going to ask on the dosing post too.
Treatment dose for all 20% powder is no less than 1.5 teaspoons per gallon (not more than 2 teaspoons per gallon) for 5 days, then 1/3 teaspoon for 7-14 days.

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