Attacked by Racoon, Severe Injuries, Emergency, Plz Help

Yep, that and they have strokes and heart attacks. Pretty sad....Their leg span is so wide I had to lift them into coop at night and take them out in the morning. They couldn't use the ladder, too wide, and if they hopped down I was scared they would break a leg.
Did you know at that time you bought meat birds?
Yep, that and they have strokes and heart attacks. Pretty sad....Their leg span is so wide I had to lift them into coop at night and take them out in the morning. They couldn't use the ladder, too wide, and if they hopped down I was scared they would break a leg.

Oh no! Did you get that breed again?
it just sounds like a lot of work and scary problems, lol
Not judging in any way, just curious! :love
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So thankful to have found this thread. A raccoon got into our hoop house 2 nights ago at 2am and the coop wasn't fully enclosed (newly built coop). We lost one Easter Egger and I thought we had lost the other as well. I gathered up the other chickens and brought them in for the rest of the night. When I went back out at daylight I found the other Easter Egger warm and with movement. I believe she has a puncture at her ear, I wiped her face and rinsed out the puncture a bit this morning and covered it with Neosporin. She looks like a boxer who didn't fair well in the fight--both eyes swollen shut. She has been up and walking periodically but quite disoriented since she can't see. She got a bit agitated and pacing in circles so my daughter took her into the dark basement and just cuddled with her in her lap and surprisingly out popped an egg! She just started laying about 2 weeks ago. She produced another egg yesterday. I'm giving her some water with Chick starter and some water with abx (not sure which one, given to me by the owner of the corner feed store), as well as some Egg layer pellets that have been soaked in water through a syringe. I am having to force her to open as she doesn't want to open her beak. We cleaned off her face again and sprayed some Wound-Kote on there. I not sure if she has a puncture now or if she is bleeding from her ears. I am going to clean her face again and go back to the Neosporin with Lidocaine after noting the Wound-Kote has so much Alcohol and it is going on her ear and ear lobe. I will see if I can get some pictures to post. She has opened her left eye today and has been kinda bouncing her head to the right (side of the sometimes open eye), almost like she wants to reach back to preen herself but then doesn't. Not sure if she has some neurologic (head trauma) issues. This is such a wonderful community, so nice to be able to see I'm not alone in this and others have survived much worse.
So thankful to have found this thread. A raccoon got into our hoop house 2 nights ago at 2am and the coop wasn't fully enclosed (newly built coop). We lost one Easter Egger and I thought we had lost the other as well. I gathered up the other chickens and brought them in for the rest of the night. When I went back out at daylight I found the other Easter Egger warm and with movement. I believe she has a puncture at her ear, I wiped her face and rinsed out the puncture a bit this morning and covered it with Neosporin. She looks like a boxer who didn't fair well in the fight--both eyes swollen shut. She has been up and walking periodically but quite disoriented since she can't see. She got a bit agitated and pacing in circles so my daughter took her into the dark basement and just cuddled with her in her lap and surprisingly out popped an egg! She just started laying about 2 weeks ago. She produced another egg yesterday. I'm giving her some water with Chick starter and some water with abx (not sure which one, given to me by the owner of the corner feed store), as well as some Egg layer pellets that have been soaked in water through a syringe. I am having to force her to open as she doesn't want to open her beak. We cleaned off her face again and sprayed some Wound-Kote on there. I not sure if she has a puncture now or if she is bleeding from her ears. I am going to clean her face again and go back to the Neosporin with Lidocaine after noting the Wound-Kote has so much Alcohol and it is going on her ear and ear lobe. I will see if I can get some pictures to post. She has opened her left eye today and has been kinda bouncing her head to the right (side of the sometimes open eye), almost like she wants to reach back to preen herself but then doesn't. Not sure if she has some neurologic (head trauma) issues. This is such a wonderful community, so nice to be able to see I'm not alone in this and others have survived much worse.
Please do not use this:
Neosporin with Lidocaine

Plain Neosporin will be a better choice.
My comment was about the supplementation with organ meats.

Right :)
I was just mentioning that as well because, isn't that considered a 'rich' type of food? I mean obviously it's supposed to be, lol, but I'd also been giving it to her without properly diluting at first too. Or am I mistaken?
Right :)
I was just mentioning that as well because, isn't that considered a 'rich' type of food? I mean obviously it's supposed to be, lol, but I'd also been giving it to her without properly diluting at first too. Or am I mistaken?
Nutri Drench does not have to be diluted.
So thankful to have found this thread. A raccoon got into our hoop house 2 nights ago at 2am and the coop wasn't fully enclosed (newly built coop). We lost one Easter Egger and I thought we had lost the other as well. I gathered up the other chickens and brought them in for the rest of the night. When I went back out at daylight I found the other Easter Egger warm and with movement. I believe she has a puncture at her ear, I wiped her face and rinsed out the puncture a bit this morning and covered it with Neosporin. She looks like a boxer who didn't fair well in the fight--both eyes swollen shut. She has been up and walking periodically but quite disoriented since she can't see. She got a bit agitated and pacing in circles so my daughter took her into the dark basement and just cuddled with her in her lap and surprisingly out popped an egg! She just started laying about 2 weeks ago. She produced another egg yesterday. I'm giving her some water with Chick starter and some water with abx (not sure which one, given to me by the owner of the corner feed store), as well as some Egg layer pellets that have been soaked in water through a syringe. I am having to force her to open as she doesn't want to open her beak. We cleaned off her face again and sprayed some Wound-Kote on there. I not sure if she has a puncture now or if she is bleeding from her ears. I am going to clean her face again and go back to the Neosporin with Lidocaine after noting the Wound-Kote has so much Alcohol and it is going on her ear and ear lobe. I will see if I can get some pictures to post. She has opened her left eye today and has been kinda bouncing her head to the right (side of the sometimes open eye), almost like she wants to reach back to preen herself but then doesn't. Not sure if she has some neurologic (head trauma) issues. This is such a wonderful community, so nice to be able to see I'm not alone in this and others have survived much worse.

I'm so sorry your girls were attacked!
If you follow these helpful peoples' advice, and she isn't too badly damaged, she should fair pretty well!
Wishing you lots of luck and a speedy recovery!

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