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Is she eating today?

Yes she is! Still going strong and she had a well formed, normal looking poop today!
Still haven't figured out why I can no longer transfer pics.
However, she can no longer see out of her right eye:hit
Before we went to the vet, if you moved your hand towards her right side/eye she would flinch & pull away. Since then, she no longer does so. Hoping it's just residual effects from the cauterization so close to her eye, just have to wait & see I guess.

Off topic...Is there a trick to peeling fresh hard boiled eggs? Lol I swear I'm losing half the egg trying to peel the shell off... I thought I remembered reading somewhere that it's because they're so fresh & they have to sit for awhile, but it was several years ago and I really don't trust my memory, lol. With store bought eggs, I'll rinse them with cold water immediately after boiling and then peel and that always used to work, but these just don't want to cooperate! We also have wayyy too many eggs! I've started giving them away, but we are still over encumbered! Lol
I'd like to give a shout out to @biophiliac for stickin by your side and @KikisGirls for comin aboard and offerin so much support to you. I'm sure there were others but I know these two put a lot of time in.....:love
You also @Leighe :highfive:.

I'll rinse them with cold water immediately after boiling and then peel and that always used to wor
You may have better luck leaving them in cold/ice water for a while longer. The idea being as it chills, the soft inside will contract more than the hard shell.

However, she can no longer see out of her right eye:hit
Is that her good eye?

We also have wayyy too many eggs! I've started giving them away, but we are still over encumbered! Lol

I assumed your son got Leghorns bc he wanted the maximum amount of eggs? :lol:
What is his plan for them, they are not the best for eating.:oops:
[If you put out a fresh eggs sign you will probably have more customers than you can handle @ $2 - $5 a doz depending on where you live.]
Right :)
I was just mentioning that as well because, isn't that considered a 'rich' type of food? I mean obviously it's supposed to be, lol, but I'd also been giving it to her without properly diluting at first too. Or am I mistaken?
She probably does not need all that saturated fat that feed-fed chicken livers are chock full of. Livers I see harvested from commercial broilers are so fatty that in other animals it would be considered pathological.
You also @Leighe :highfive:.

You may have better luck leaving them in cold/ice water for a while longer. The idea being as it chills, the soft inside will contract more than the hard shell.
I did try that the 2nd time, haha, maybe I'll try throwing them in the fridge?

[If you put out a fresh eggs sign you will probably have more customers than you can handle @ $2 - $5 a doz depending on where you live.]

Is that her good eye?

I assumed your son got Leghorns bc he wanted the maximum amount of eggs? :lol:
He says he mostly got them because he read "they're supposed to get along fairly well with each other, because they're good layers and because they were on sale"....smh
Apparently the going rate here is $2-2.50 and we just might do that, lol

What is his plan for them, they are not the best for eating.:oops:
Not really any plan, he just thought it would be cool to have pets that made food, lol
Why are they not that good to eat?
Did you know at that time you bought meat birds?
Nope, TSC had a sign on them as Rock Cornish chickens. I didn't even know what a Rock Cornish was but I think I was thinking it was like a small chicken....similar to a quail, lol. After I found out what I had I was so mad thinking of families going in there and letting their kids pick out chickens and none of us realizing we were getting these types. If they're going to sell these type they need a sign there to educate people. I don't think they even knew what they had...unless a Rock Cornish chicken is the same as a Cornish X
Nope, TSC had a sign on them as Rock Cornish chickens. I didn't even know what a Rock Cornish was but I think I was thinking it was like a small chicken....similar to a quail, lol. After I found out what I had I was so mad thinking of families going in there and letting their kids pick out chickens and none of us realizing we were getting these types. If they're going to sell these type they need a sign there to educate people. I don't think they even knew what they had...unless a Rock Cornish chicken is the same as a Cornish X
Oh no! Did you get that breed again?
it just sounds like a lot of work and scary problems, lol
Not judging in any way, just curious! :love
Never have gotten them again. Even if I put them on organic feed (which is what I use) I can't get past the fact that it's unnatural (at least to me) to have something grow that big, that fast. I know a lot of organic chicken farmers are using them and Joel Salatin does, but I'd rather just take the pace of how a regular chicken grows and buy Heritage chickens for meat, or even my Dorkings are meat birds.

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