Attacked by Racoon, Severe Injuries, Emergency, Plz Help

Until she starts moving about, energy is not likely something you need to be loading her up on. I would be trying to get her to eat dark greens. If she takes those, then pop her with some olive oil to get more of the unsaturated fats into her.

Makes sense, will do!
Never thought about olive oil, great idea, thanks!
I'm so sorry your girls were attacked!
If you follow these helpful peoples' advice, and she isn't too badly damaged, she should fair pretty well!
Wishing you lots of luck and a speedy recovery!

Happy that your girl is making strides. How long did it take for your girl to start eating on her own? How often do you feed her and how much?
Nope, TSC had a sign on them as Rock Cornish chickens. I didn't even know what a Rock Cornish was but I think I was thinking it was like a small chicken....similar to a quail, lol. After I found out what I had I was so mad thinking of families going in there and letting their kids pick out chickens and none of us realizing we were getting these types. If they're going to sell these type they need a sign there to educate people. I don't think they even knew what they had...unless a Rock Cornish chicken is the same as a Cornish X

That stinks! I agree, they may not have known.

Personally,(and this is only my experience in our town), I think TSC is like an AutoZone compared to a NAPA store. They can be helpful and have a good selection, but often don't have experienced personnel, who can do more than look things up online, when you have an actual problem.
In fact, we almost had a mite infestation because of a feed bag my son bought there. We saw a white 'dust' covering half the wall of the coop. When I tried to brush it off, it stuck together and I could tell it was moving!?:oops:
Then my son mentioned he'd seen the white stuff covering the food bag he'd brought home from there. We were able to treat it with a diatomaceous earth mix and thankfully, it didn't spread.
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Happy that your girl is making strides. How long did it take for your girl to start eating on her own? How often do you feed her and how much?

Thank you :) I'm still hand feeding her every few hours with a gruel made of chick starter, water treated with Corid (because of her poop & the attack, which could've lowered her immune system, it was suggested she had that), raw eggs, probiotic, and finely chopped lettuce.
She just started eating that a few days ago though, so you're ahead of the game there!
She is blind right now, hoping she'll get sight back in one eye at least.
I'm sorry I have to go,(family in town), but I will keep checking on your chickens progress and wish you both the best!
Yes she is! Still going strong and she had a well formed, normal looking poop today!
Still haven't figured out why I can no longer transfer pics.
However, she can no longer see out of her right eye:hit
Before we went to the vet, if you moved your hand towards her right side/eye she would flinch & pull away. Since then, she no longer does so. Hoping it's just residual effects from the cauterization so close to her eye, just have to wait & see I guess.

Off topic...Is there a trick to peeling fresh hard boiled eggs? Lol I swear I'm losing half the egg trying to peel the shell off... I thought I remembered reading somewhere that it's because they're so fresh & they have to sit for awhile, but it was several years ago and I really don't trust my memory, lol. With store bought eggs, I'll rinse them with cold water immediately after boiling and then peel and that always used to work, but these just don't want to cooperate! We also have wayyy too many eggs! I've started giving them away, but we are still over encumbered! Lol
I boil them then put them STRAIGHT into ice water.
I am able to peel fresh eggs this way.
Yes she is! Still going strong and she had a well formed, normal looking poop today!
Still haven't figured out why I can no longer transfer pics.
However, she can no longer see out of her right eye:hit
Before we went to the vet, if you moved your hand towards her right side/eye she would flinch & pull away. Since then, she no longer does so. Hoping it's just residual effects from the cauterization so close to her eye, just have to wait & see I guess.

Off topic...Is there a trick to peeling fresh hard boiled eggs? Lol I swear I'm losing half the egg trying to peel the shell off... I thought I remembered reading somewhere that it's because they're so fresh & they have to sit for awhile, but it was several years ago and I really don't trust my memory, lol. With store bought eggs, I'll rinse them with cold water immediately after boiling and then peel and that always used to work, but these just don't want to cooperate! We also have wayyy too many eggs! I've started giving them away, but we are still over encumbered! Lol
you could boil them then use a knife and cut them up and feed them shell and all right back to the chickens.
You also @Leighe :highfive:.

You may have better luck leaving them in cold/ice water for a while longer. The idea being as it chills, the soft inside will contract more than the hard shell.

Is that her good eye?

I assumed your son got Leghorns bc he wanted the maximum amount of eggs? :lol:
What is his plan for them, they are not the best for eating.:oops:
[If you put out a fresh eggs sign you will probably have more customers than you can handle @ $2 - $5 a doz depending on where you live.]
Ok girlfriend.
I have never heard this before.
Who told you that?

Edit to add..I read that as their eggs where not the best eating. MY BAD.

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