Attacked by Racoon, Severe Injuries, Emergency, Plz Help

Yes she is! Still going strong and she had a well formed, normal looking poop today!
Still haven't figured out why I can no longer transfer pics.
However, she can no longer see out of her right eye:hit
Before we went to the vet, if you moved your hand towards her right side/eye she would flinch & pull away. Since then, she no longer does so. Hoping it's just residual effects from the cauterization so close to her eye, just have to wait & see I guess.

Off topic...Is there a trick to peeling fresh hard boiled eggs? Lol I swear I'm losing half the egg trying to peel the shell off... I thought I remembered reading somewhere that it's because they're so fresh & they have to sit for awhile, but it was several years ago and I really don't trust my memory, lol. With store bought eggs, I'll rinse them with cold water immediately after boiling and then peel and that always used to work, but these just don't want to cooperate! We also have wayyy too many eggs! I've started giving them away, but we are still over encumbered! Lol

We always rinse in cold water & then tap it all over with a spoon to get it loosened up. I'm glad she is feeling better :D

Ok, sorry I was MIA for so long.

I still can't get pics up..grrr...I'll keep trying.

She's healing really nicely, but is completely blind now, for sure. She still needs a lot of help finding her food, and will really only eat while she's being held. She still has almost no color in her comb or wattles and has not laid another egg since the day after the attack. I'm assuming/hoping it's because of the trauma and that she's till healing..?
I also think she might be lonely. I know she's sad & frustrated.
I tried to take her outside, by the other chickens, and they just attack her :(
She's started to make a kind of whiny growl, kind of like a cat, or a little kid (lol). She's only purred twice since the first time. She is getting her energy back, her tail is up much more & she's been stretching her wings, legs & neck more as well.
We're getting her another cage for outside, (today or tomorrow) so she can be out there on her own, but unmolested. I've continued to take her outside to eat and have set her down on the grass, but she won't peck at it and try to scratch or anything like that.

Her feces are more formed, but with lots of white & light green.

So, I'm really not sure if this is good, bad or what (really wish I could post pics again), but I'm not giving up on her. :)

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