Attacked by Racoon, Severe Injuries, Emergency, Plz Help

Yeah, I bought a dremmel a while back to do my dogs nails, he yelps when I clip them, I think the pressure from the clippers squeezes his quick... So I thought a dremmel would be better, just grind the extra off... Nope... Darn thing seats slightly crooked so the bit doesn't rotate, it spins... it moves about 1 mm from side to side each rotation.... Yeah, I can't use that on anything sensitive...
Get the dremel chuck. It works just like a drill chuck and doesn't need the collets that wear out. I've used mine for years without problems.
UPDATE & PICS A Turn for the Worse :(

Late on the 27th Heni's eye started swelling again. She also started limping and holding her feathers away from her body. She wasn't eating much and was being very quiet. I started her back on the Corid water.

On the 29th I was able to get more Terramycin. She didn't lay an egg today either. The pics are from the 29th.
ChickenLegs082917.jpg ChickenUpdateSickAgain08292017.jpg

Today, the 30th, she's holding her wings closer again, but still limping and although her eye is still swollen, it looks a little better. She's back to eating and drinking, much more perky and laid an egg again today.

I can't see (or feel) anything wrong with her legs or feet. I looked at the pads on the bottoms too and there's no visual reason (as far as I can tell) for her limp...any ideas?

EDIT for Clarification: She doesn't really move around much (I assume because of the blindness) so I don't think this is a sprain or anything like that. She doesn't curl it up or drag it, just acts like she waits to the very last second to pull it up/ put weight on it, like a human would if their hip or knee were hurting. She's still eating chick starter mixed w egg, probiotic, Corid water, just one tiny drop of the Nutri-Drench and some dried meal worms once a day.
No other chickens have access to her or have signs of the same symptoms.

Re: Trimming Her Beak- After watching several YouTube videos, I decided to just use fingernail clippers and it worked fine. I probably could've taken a little more off, but am very wary of hurting her. I could tell immediately that she was much happier!
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Why the corid water? I only know of giving that for cocci.
She could be stiff from not moving around to much. See if you can entice her to walk a little. Food is good chicken motivator.
Does her eye open at all? I'm wondering if it's sealed shut maybe the ointment isn't getting in to do it's job.
You could consider an oral antibiotic if you think there is something else going on. You could give her more nutri drench too. The bottle should have dosage instructions on.
Why the corid water? I only know of giving that for cocci. Yes, I was wondering this too. Wouldn't think she'd need it again this soon unless clear symptoms recur, but I'm no expert.
She could be stiff from not moving around to much. See if you can entice her to walk a little. also, a 'sling' to get her upright might help, dk if this has been mentioned here. Constant laying down can cause other issues. Food is good chicken motivator.
Does her eye open at all? I'm wondering if it's sealed shut maybe the ointment isn't getting in to do it's job.
You could consider an oral antibiotic if you think there is something else going on. I thought she was giving orally? :confused: You could give her more nutri drench too. The bottle should have dosage instructions on.
She looks great OG!!!:love
Why the corid water? I only know of giving that for cocci.
She could be stiff from not moving around to much. See if you can entice her to walk a little. Food is good chicken motivator.
Does her eye open at all? I'm wondering if it's sealed shut maybe the ointment isn't getting in to do it's job.
You could consider an oral antibiotic if you think there is something else going on. You could give her more nutri drench too. The bottle should have dosage instructions on.

I'm kind of hoping that it is just a case of stiffness :/
Her eye does open, it's just shut more because she squints when the ointment is put on and the swelling.
She's eating and drinking fine again, she laid another egg today too. :)
She looks great OG!!!:love

Thank you!
Her head is looking better too!
There's finally some new skin growing under the scab and her color is great.

As to her eye, I think she scratched herself with a dirty claw & that's what started it again, but this limping thing has got me.
I was just told you can give them an 81mg aspirin in 1 qt of water. Help lessen pain and reduce swelling. The orange flavored chewables were recommended to make it more palatable. But a little sugar or honey could be added to cut the bitterness of the pill.

As long as her eye isn't pussy... the swelling may go up and down as it heals.
Yesterday I thought she was going to be fine! The swelling around her eye had gone down, she was moving around more, seemed to be limping less, was eating well, laid an egg, so I wasn't even worried anymore! Then today she looks like This!?
She's not eating or drinking at al, not making any noises, I think my only option now is putting her down.:hitI feel just terrible, I don't know what else to do, and if she has that Marek's thing I don't want the others to be possibly be exposed...I'll wait another day, but she obviously suffering.

EDIT-TO UPDATE AGAIN-I picked her up and have her in my lap. It's like she's been paralyzed from the 'waist' (possibly neck?) down. She can move her head and wings, but her feet are curled up and tucked right close to her body. She acts like she's trying to move-stretching her neck & wings out, straining forward, jerking her body, but she can't... she also pants on & off. I remembered that she had started 'clicking' or snapping her beak open & closed yesterday evening, but because she been doing better I didn't really pay much attention. She's recently had her beak trimmed & I thought she was just adjusting to it, or something like that. Her body feels like it's not alive, I don't know how else to explain it...there's nothing in her crop...she acts like she wants to move, but can't, even her tail will move as she tried to pull herself up, but her legs, feet & main body just aren't co-operating. Every once in awhile she jerk/spasm (seemingly) involuntarily...I don't know what else I can add.

She's taken a few sips of water, but has absolutely no interest in food.

Could it be something to do with the wood shavings? Because she can't see the food she pecks around in the bedding, as I tap the dish & guide her with sound, and I'm sure she's ingested some...I pick them out of her food for her all the time and make fresh batches 2-3x times a day and she has access to fresh water, but she rarely drinks it, unless I guide her there.

I've taken her outside and allowed her to the space to move, but she doesn't. She'll take a few tentative steps then just stops and sits down. I'm physically unable to sit down on the ground with her and can't keep stooping & bending over to pick her up, so she doesn't get out much either. So it can't be something she ate outside.

She's not really panting, more like sitting with her mouth open. For the most part I feel like she's just exhausted from trying so hard to move. Imagine if you're legs quit working & you had to try & pull yourself along with your arms (wings would be worse, imo), and you just can't get anywhere, I know I'd flop in place from the exertion...idk, just feel helpless.
Her feet do uncurl but again, it's as though she has no control over them.
Thanks again for any help and all the help in the past.
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