Attacked by Racoon, Severe Injuries, Emergency, Plz Help

Off topic...Is there a trick to peeling fresh hard boiled eggs? Lol I swear I'm losing half the egg trying to peel the shell off... I thought I remembered reading somewhere that it's because they're so fresh & they have to sit for awhile, but it was several years ago and I really don't trust my memory, lol. With store bought eggs, I'll rinse them with cold water immediately after boiling and then peel and that always used to work, but these just don't want to cooperate! We also have wayyy too many eggs! I've started giving them away, but we are still over encumbered! Lol
I steam them and then immediately put them in ice water to cool quickly. The steamer works great.
I also want to say that I know what you went through. I spent 2 solid months caring for and tube feeding a sick hen (my favorite one of course) and in the end I had to end her suffering. She'd get better, then slide backwards. I tried everything I could think of to save her, but then she told me she'd had enough. I had to listen and it really sucked. I'm so sorry you had to go through this. Yes, it's a learning experience, but damn, it's a painful one.
I also want to say that I know what you went through. I spent 2 solid months caring for and tube feeding a sick hen (my favorite one of course) and in the end I had to end her suffering. She'd get better, then slide backwards. I tried everything I could think of to save her, but then she told me she'd had enough. I had to listen and it really sucked. I'm so sorry you had to go through this. Yes, it's a learning experience, but damn, it's a painful one.

I'm so sorry for your loss. :( Thanks for sharing.

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