August 2016 Hatch-A-Long

I checked the eggs this morning and I think I made the wrong choice laying them down yesterday. They're upright in a carton and everyone is still alive but the air cells are wobbly now and pulling away. Ugh.

I was already planning on an upright hatch, but you just wiped away the little seed of doubt in my head
Looked up amberlink they are beautiful birds. Learned you get them by crossing white rooster to red hen. And you sex them by feathers. I will have to try that soon.
I lost another one of the CLs. It looked very small though and I think the laying down did it in. So, three left. This morning I realized the Isbars were due tomorrow and these aren't due until Thursday.
Can I join in? First time incubating here, always let broodies do the job before. I set eggs on 8/5, so due date on oh… 8/26, give or take. Candled on day 7 and removed one blood ring and had 10 developing. 10 others seemed to be clear, but I will candle tonight (day 10) to confirm.
Down to 7 eggs. Took out one with a blood ring. When I cracked it open I saw it was a double yolk with two babies, and one had obviously died before the other. Don't think I can blame this one on rough shipping.

On a happier note USPS did refund my eggs today! and I'll be getting replacements right after this bunch is due to hatch

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