August 2023 hatch-a-long

Gave 4 barred rock eggs to my broody cinnamon queen...

To test fertility of my Galaxy flock (BRs)

They are some of the first eggs they've laid that are of weight to actually be the right size to incubate...

I don't trust her to stay broody...but imma try it...
How exciting!!!! I will be setting my eggs tomorrow once the others come in and giving my broody some for a few days till I remove clears in the incubator and can put any developing under the broody into the incubator.
How exciting!!!! I will be setting my eggs tomorrow once the others come in and giving my broody some for a few days till I remove clears in the incubator and can put any developing under the broody into the incubator.
Imma try to let her go the whole round. These will likely be freezer babies if they make it....

Trying to decide if I separate them if they hatch right away or let momma raise em a bit...

Kinda seems silly to let her do all the hatching if imma snag them from her right I'll probably let her mom a bit...
QUOTE="junior67, post: 27020587, member: 602397"]
I am in the process of selling extra babies I have. Still have 3 boys and think 1 more pullet... Then have Tiki, that is a cockerel but I keep trying to convince myself otherwise that I need to find a new home for

Then I have some younger ones but can't tell gender yet, no combs on any still and no way I got lucky with 5 pullets and no roos. Lol

I'll have some OEs to sell once I hatch...and if I dont...I don't I guess 🤣🤣🤣
I'll have some OEs to sell once I hatch...and if I dont...I don't I guess 🤣🤣🤣
right now for babies I have the older ones I mentioned. Then I have 1 OE and 4 Ameraucana babies. I will keep 1 Ameraucana, and either this OE OR the 1 OE in the incubator if it hatches... Just need to see who is who first. LOL

Then will see who hatches from the eggs in my incubator, my CCL ebay eggs, my other shipped eggs and my girls eggs and keep a few from those and sell the rest....... this HAS to be my last hatch no matter what. LOL I should have enough to choose from and if I don't get everyone that I want then guess I will try again next year!
I hatched March, April, and May. Brought some eggs in a couple of times since for hatching and decided they should be scrambled and fed back instead. Not sure I can pass on hatching some good looking American Bresse eggs here in August. If they hatch well then September and ............... who knows. More are sure to follow.
I hatched March, April, and May. Brought some eggs in a couple of times since for hatching and decided they should be scrambled and fed back instead. Not sure I can pass on hatching some good looking American Bresse eggs here in August. If they hatch well then September and ............... who knows. More are sure to follow.
Lol. I hatched March, April, 2 in May, June, now a couple in July but all close together and now Aug. Lol
Lol. I hatched March, April, 2 in May, June, now a couple in July but all close together and now Aug. Lol
I wanted to keep them going but when I was crystal clear there was no way to keep building infrastructure fast enough to keep up with the hatches I knew it was best to slow the hatches down. I almost bought a few Buff Orpingtons a few days ago to use as broody girls but managed to escape TSC with wallet in my pants.

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