Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

It was probably 8 years ago i got my drake from there. The guy went behind a big wood fence and launched this drake over at me.. Poor thing if i hadn't felt sorry for the poor drake i probably would have got in the car and left. Luckily he turned out to be a lovely drake but i promised myself i would never go back there again.

I went to get a partridge Silkie. She's not Partridge but I took her anyway because my bleeding heart couldn't leave her there.
What are some places in Brisbane that people can recommend for buying poultry, that also vaccinate their birds? Whilst not currently planning on adding to the flock, not until long after Aggies fully recovered anyway (and the dang coop is done), I will be adding in future. I'd love more D'Uccles, Pekins and a Seabright would be nice. I've been very tempted by Greenhouse chickens on facebook with their beautiful Mille Fleur, porcelain and frizzle Pekins, though they're in Logan.  Bantams have become my achilles heel when it comes to chickens.


I'm obviously not in brissy but i have belgians at times as well as pekins in the bantams. Can't remember which side of town you are on. Not sure if i know of anyone on the north side but i could ask about for you.
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Hey, Australia, the Little League World Series is now taking place in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, USA.  Your team reached the playoffs, I believe for the first time ever.  The Princess and I saw their last two games.  They have been eliminated from further play, but made a good showing.  You should all be proud and support the LL program at home.  I think that I should have been born Australian - those folks knew how to have a good time.  Aussie, Aussie, Aussie - Aye, Aye, Aye rang boldly throughout the stadium.  Congratulations on your team and the conduct of them and their supporters.

We love our sport. That's Aussie Aussie Aussie Oih Oih Oih . :D
I have quail in ICU in my laundry. Friend hatched them and called me tell me there was something wrong with them and he was going to wring their necks. When I got there he had them in a plastic tub with shiny catalogue paper on the bottom. Needless to say all but 1 x had splayed legs. I'm happy to report that after a day of taping and re-taping their extremely little legs , they are all upright and standing tonight. The shame of it is that he told me that when he lived in cairnes he hatched out many birds with the same problem and had always blamed it on the breeder.
Poor little chickees.

I've never hatched quail , very cute . Oh forgot to mention he had also turned the incubator off and after 6 hours of being off I opened it to hear one pipping. 2 more have hatched since.
I'm obviously not in brissy but i have belgians at times as well as pekins in the bantams. Can't remember which side of town you are on. Not sure if i know of anyone on the north side but i could ask about for you.

Thank you, I'm on the east side of town :) I'd like to try hatching but finding homes for roo's isn't always easy, so it's older birds for me.

Looks like we'll be doing work on the coop this weekend, I really want to get moving on attaching the wire. I'll post some pics tomorrow of the nest box that's complete though, just need to attach the ramp! When it's all done, it'll be some very fancy digs, for six very spoilt chookies.
Good morning folks

Day off? What day off? As we have a rental inspection coming up soon and I always want to make sure they have no reason to complain, yesterday was spent cleaning the oven, cleaning the windows, washing down doors and door frames [scuff marks etc] and dusting and I still did not get it all done.

Tee hee Fizzybelle I hear ya with regards “insane levels of preciousness”
Sadly I do not have any recommendations for a good place in Brisbane to buy vaccinated chickens. I purchased Cilla from Northside Produce back in the early days and I am pretty sure she was not vaccinated. Dusty I purchased from Brendale Produce and again, I do not think she was vaccinated. LuLu was vaccinated but she was purchased from Chandler Markets after a breeder from Kingaroy advertised on Gum Tree that they would be there with frizzles for sale. Since then, I have only purchased fertile eggs. But, yeah, the unwanted roosters are always a dilemma. Looking forward to the coop pics.

MandeePandee sorry I can not help with your guinea fowl question, I know zip about guinea fowl except I had read they are noisy?

Thanks for letting us know sourland.

MullyAly I have seen a broody tuck an egg under her wing and carry it back to her nest and another roll one with her beak across the coop floor until it got to her stash .. they are determined! Good luck with the hatches.

Fancy kudos to you for taking on the baby quails

Chooks01 Yep, tis the season to be broody, tra la la la la la la la laaaaaaaaaaaaa

Touch wood, we do not have any broodys yet but it is just a matter of time .. or, in Cilla’s case, one more egg, she has laid 9 since the return to laying

Sorry if this is a silly question but do hens prone to broodiness stop going broody when they get older? I am guessing once they stop laying they do not go broody?
The shame of it is that the dog was not micro chipped or desexed so her chances were pretty bleak until Tasmanians were made aware of her. The Frankston pound refused to release her until the obligatory time had lapsed after she was surrendered by her abductors. She then had to be desexed microchipped and vaccinations . She has now been purchased by the wonderful people from Mangalore kennels. They have asked for people to contribute to her air fares and I have done so. What concerns me is that anyone can take an animal across bass strait , no question asked. Something seriously wrong with that.

Totally agree with your comment re crossing Bass Strait. There should be some form of identification, when loading animals on the Tassie ship.

Glad she has had vet attn and people are helping with $, and good on you for that too. A good outcome for a dear little lady ... I hope she is found an excellent home.

Cheers ......

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