Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Hahahaha awwww thank you! Mum keeps the garden looking pretty good so least i can do with the help of dad is keep the coop looking good too, I'm still not done though haha I wanna put a small size picket looking fence around the base of the roofed part and a flower box :D
How come is it you first hatching takes sooooooooooo long,
I just realised my bantams are due to hatch in 4 days

Only feels like yesterday that I put them in :)
Speaking of broodys the Aussie broody gave the cattle dog a run for his money and he won't be sticking his nose back in the coop to look for free egg meals any time soon LOL big ol meanie !

They are a bit mad broody aussies. The one in the bananas I heard going ballistic yesterday I ran out thinking it was a snake. Nope it was another chicken trying to lay in her nest you would have thought she was being strangled the noise she was making lol.
Looks like I will b getting new blood lines for my marans soon. A friend out here has marans and we are going to do an egg swap. Hers are laying now and I will give her some of mine when they start. Hopefully we will get it sorted in the next few weeks.
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