Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

I'm hoping the Marans chicks, which are nearly 7 weeks old are too old for him to swallow. But this one must be about 7-8 feet, I think. (He's not lying out flat for me to measure. :lau )

Depends on the size rexy. Mila will eat a few full size quails or rats a week but she is nearly 11 feet now. You would be surprised at how big a thing they will eat but if it is too big for them to eat they won't try. I love watching our snakes eat. They are so clever and dislocate their jaws when they swallow there dinner.
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I would in blink but as Satay can verify hubby wouldn't allow it ! He can't have a pool , I worry sick about the young kids every time the went to the yard to play and he is just as steadfast about no snakes

Yes i can. Sam is definatly on a snake ban, at least til she brings hubby for a visit and he gets to cuddle mila or turbo :lau
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Wow Rexy. I'd never get the kids outside again if that was in our yard lol

Do you think it could swallow one if the 7wk olds ?

It wouldn't hurt your kids appps as long as they didn't try to pick it up. They will normally slither out of the way long before you see them. I bet rexy's was just taking in the nice rays from the sun.
Satay - MORE quailieys, wicked. How many ( quail? ) roosters did you get rid of? 91, that is a great effort. Wish her Happy Birthday for me haha:) .

Appps - Oh yeah I saw the temps rising over your way, hope it goes all right for you!!

Rexy - Oh cool snake!! We have not had many this year at all. The biggest one we had was 2m long and I caught it hahaha:clap .

You go Luke :)
I don't think so, but I know nothing about snakes (and don't want to). They are the youngest I have at the moment. You might be surprised, the kids might love it. They move really slow, so aren't really scary.

Where did you get rid of your roosters to, Satay? I need to do that. We have some growing out here, which we are supposed to process, but I have my doubts that it is going to happen.

There is a lady out this way that takes all my excess large breed roosters. She is indian and eats them.
Now i have a question for mog? maybe. I think it was you that helped me when i tried to get the vision clearer of the dog from the neighbours who got in the yard. I was sent a really cool short video from a quail customer yesterday wanting to know if her jap had gone broody. I have never seen it before. I uploaded from
my mob to pc but it is in 3pg or 3gp something like that for and wont open on my pc. I tried opening it with vlc media but no go. I really wanteds to post it on here as it is the coolest thing. Any ideas? or anyone else for that matter?
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It wouldn't hurt your kids appps as long as they didn't try to pick it up. They will normally slither out of the way long before you see them. I bet rexy's was just taking in the nice rays from the sun.

Try telling the kids that lol
Actually they were quite intregued by the python we saw next to a walkway to the beach I once so maybe they would be okay.

I would rather him though than what went inside the big red belly snake skin on our back lawn a couple years back. You don't expect to find that in the middle of suburbia. An hoping any mice the chickens attract don't attract him back this year.

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