Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

24 hours since the first baby hatched, it is NOW Day 21, and he has 11 sibling joined him, 2 more hatching as we speak ( one pipped and one zipping ) and 13 undecided still.

I have moved 6 of the fluffiest to the brooder to give them more space since they are getting rather active! They are bumbling around under the heat lamp which is pumping out around 32-35 degrees.

One has an issue with his umbilical region. Looks like something didn't get absorbed into his abdomen. I will keep an eye on him. He doesn't seem bothered by it and he can poop fine. Not sure what to do really...

Photos of the bumble-butts tomorrow!!!
Good morning Folks

Hey RodneyRooster yep, still got everything crossed that she is a gorgeous little girl

Sorry to hear the Easter Bunny bought you gastro

Oh dear, Rodney is a very naughty boy!

Ah, thank you Fancy. While they are not Silkies, they are crosses so if anyone does ask at least I have something to call the colour
I am disappointed that they appear to be boys, I love their colouring and would have liked to have kept one. They are also very adorable and I am attached big time!

tandykins your lone chick is not only spoiled but adorable also!

sjturner79 love the pictures! I believe there is nothing happier than a chicken poking around in the garden; except maybe us watching them!

WOO HOO! Sidhe13 looking forward to the pictures! Congratulations!

No news of note, had a wonderful, relaxing weekend in the beautiful weather with my gals and nuggets.

LuLu gave me quite a peck yesterday, trying to remove a freckle from my leg! Ouch!
24 hours since the first baby hatched, it is NOW Day 21, and he has 11 sibling joined him, 2 more hatching as we speak ( one pipped and one zipping ) and 13 undecided still.

I have moved 6 of the fluffiest to the brooder to give them more space since they are getting rather active! They are bumbling around under the heat lamp which is pumping out around 32-35 degrees.

One has an issue with his umbilical region. Looks like something didn't get absorbed into his abdomen. I will keep an eye on him. He doesn't seem bothered by it and he can poop fine. Not sure what to do really...

Photos of the bumble-butts tomorrow!!!

The cord should dry up and fall off. Does it just look like a little bring of string attached?
Good morning Folks :frow

LuLu gave me quite a peck yesterday, trying to remove a freckle from my leg! Ouch!

Hahaha yes i have one or 2 freckles on my leg and a few on my arms that often get mistaken for something yummy! Its hilarious when 1 tries and is unsuccessful so then others attempt in turn after.

But theyve never hurt me from it, theyre usually gentle with taking food. Hope it didnt draw blood
Hahaha yes i have one or 2 freckles on my leg and a few on my arms that often get mistaken for something yummy! Its hilarious when 1 tries and is unsuccessful so then others attempt in turn after.

But theyve never hurt me from it, theyre usually gentle with taking food. Hope it didnt draw blood

Mine love red toe nail polish :D
Hahaha yes i have one or 2 freckles on my leg and a few on my arms that often get mistaken for something yummy! Its hilarious when 1 tries and is unsuccessful so then others attempt in turn after.

But theyve never hurt me from it, theyre usually gentle with taking food. Hope it didnt draw blood

No blood drawn, just a bit of a shock when she pecked (more like a nip) trying to pinch it! She was forgiven pretty quickly cos she is super adorable and it was kinda funny!

Mine love red toe nail polish


I had this moment of, "Mine have painted toenails too! Oh wait that's...that's not what you're talking about. I'm gonna go back to my crazy lady corner now."


I actually saw a thread where someone was asking if it was safe/OK to paint her chicken's nails/claws .. besides the "No" responses due to them picking it off and eating it, more importantly was "Why?" I remember a couple of responses got deleted

I actually saw a thread where someone was asking if it was safe/OK to paint her chicken's nails/claws .. besides the "No" responses due to them picking it off and eating it, more importantly was "Why?" I remember a couple of responses got deleted
Huh. I find it something of a challenge to believe that a few chips of enamel are seriously going to hurt a chicken. They don't have a lot of toenail surface area - the amount they'd eat would be minuscule.
Huh. I find it something of a challenge to believe that a few chips of enamel are seriously going to hurt a chicken. They don't have a lot of toenail surface area - the amount they'd eat would be minuscule.

Plus, there's the kid-safe nailpolish (non-toxic) too.

If. Uh. You really wanted to!

You know, I have some kid-safe nailpolish at home. But how on earth would anyone get them to sit still while it was drying?

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