Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

I use wood chips in all my pens and houses. It has several advantages - the aromatic wood and leaves from eucalypts and melaleucas etc tend to repel insect pests, and the big one is it is free - the local council has several 
wood chip dumps around the shire where they leave all the mulch from their tree pruning operations. 

I don't get mine free, but I have a truck load delivered for the gardens each year. For my boggy pen I put a bed of straw down then covered it with pine bark . Once every now and again I top it up. I'm still keen to try pine needles, they say it also has acts as a natural insecticide . How's the weather in your end of the woods Ash ?
If you are concerned that she might have impacted crop it's best to isolate her and remove all food and water, then check her crop to see if it has emptied. Also have a good look at her poop.

Thank you I will isolate her. I suspect sour crop more than impacted as her crop is feeling bloated and squishy. I will check her again in the morning. She has garlic and acv in her water atm and I syringed some in before as I wasn't sure how much she is drinking. Poor little thing is not doing much

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