Australorps breed Thread

Nah, Kurt is safe, the hurricane is going to hang a hard right before it gets to South Carolina. Unless it changes its "mind" again
Mine attacked me. It raises up if I try to touch it. 30 weeks and has not laid an egg yet.

Under what conditions did she attack you? It is rare for a hen to attack a person unless you are going after her chicks. MOST chickens are not real excited about being touched. They are, after all, prey animals. Pretty much anything that goes "after" them is a life or death threat. Try making nice with some Black Oil Sunflower Seed (BOSS) or scratch grains. Be satisfied to have them accept you as the bringer of food and possibly eat out of your hand. If you want a lap pet, get a dog

Given the color of her comb and face, I would expect her to be laying very soon.
Mine attacked me. It raises up if I try to touch it. 30 weeks and has not laid an egg yet.
Many Questions
did you buy her from someone else ? Hand raised chicks are usually pretty friendly .
Treats she likes can make her more friendly ...some chickens dont like to be picked up
Does someone else take care of them ?
Is she on chick food or layer ?
Could she be hiding eggs ?
I'm bored so I'll take a moment to wax a bit nostalgic here and the information I now post is secondhand, from my dad.

Many years ago, my grand pap bought a line of Black Australorps from a hatchery Situated (I think) in Windsor Mo, called Marti's Hatchery. The birds were huge, pumped out huge dark brown eggs like a Leghorn and had a very long and useful lifespan. Those folks are no longer in business but if I had been old enough at the time to understand what a treasure pot was there, I would have kept some of those birds and I would have them to this day.

I'm wondering if any older folks on this thread ever got any of those birds from Marti's? I kinda' doubt it because I'd have heard about it on this thread or another. My dad and grand dad crossed them with NNs and produced some large magnificent layers but they should have kept that strain of pure unadulterated Australorps at any cost.

Spilled milk. I truly hope someone was smart or lucky enough to have done what my dad lamented having not done for so many years after failing to see what they had.

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