AUTUMNAL EQUINOX 9/23/2010 set this morning- 34 eggs! anyone with me??

1 Bantam Barnevelder just pipped and another Marans!
I hope the others have pipped their way out by morning
Excited! Congrats to everyone on their chickies! All 7 of my ameraucanas hatched and 4 silkies too. I had am issue with one ameraucana where it pipped through it's membrane and bled but it still miraculously lived.. The blood crusted over and became a huge scab that plastered the chick to the pip hole and to the wall inside of the shell. It's head, neck, back and wing were all stuck to the scabby area. It was huge... I had to alternate working the scab off gently and putting it back in the incubator for an hour before it was finally off and able to flop around. I'm really glad i helped because that one never would have made it out. I noticed shortly after, maybe an hour after it was free and half dry that is had a bubble... Like filled with air on it's neck where it was stuck. I waited to see what would happen and it went away on it's own. But it was certainly strange... Now that same chick has pasty butt issues. Go figure.... Anyways waiting for 7 more silkies to hatch. Today is official day 21 for me.
Congratulations!! I wonder if the bubble was from it trying to tug away from being stuck and crreated an air pocket under its skin? Glad you were able to help the baby out!

Woohoo! 6 RIR chicks and 3 pipped! Then this morning I got a call from the post office, my 25 (24) chicks arrived from Ideal. Those are meaties though.
Mine are on day 21 today, and so far nothing from these guys...I have had high temps th elast few days, I came home one day and it was 104! I have eggs due to hatch saturday and I could see movement from them today, so hope the marans are okay and just too dark for me to see...Where are everyones pictures?
Lizzie's babies are hatching! We have seen one pale grey one, and can see a pip hole in the americauna egg... can't see much else yet. She is definitely being the classic mother hen! lol Can't wait to meet them and see if we can figure out who the mystery eggs belong to.

Congratulations on all of the new babies!!
21 days today and Flossy has 5 chicks hatched so far! My first grandchicks - somehow I can't believe it actually worked! Isn't nature amazing?
Congrats Everyone!!! Last night at 8:00pm was day 21 for me, and this morning I woke up and have 1 pip! I have 3 more I hope to hatch, but we have had temperature troubles, so I am happy that we have 1 on its way so far! Gives me hope for the other 3!


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