
Free Ranging
5 Years
Apr 26, 2019
I have see so many people who have Ayam Cemani Chickens and wanted to make a thread on this amazing breed! If you have then please share your experiences with this wonderful breed! I have had the Ayam Cemani for 9 moths now (not a lot of time) but love this breed! They hens don’t lay well at all of what I have read laying around 80 egg a year and also that they will lay 60 eggs then stop for about 6 moths and start up again! The Ayam Cemani can have white on them too it is in their genetics so if you get them with white don’t worry about it! I have bred one of my white Ayam Cemani roosters with a all black hen and the chicks have a lot of white so it’s not recommended to breed a white rooster so if you want to breed them use a all black hen and rooster!
This is Midnight Mosses Crow (MMC) Ayam Cemani rooster!

Angel Joy Ayam Cemani pullet

This is what you get if you breed a all black Ayam Cemani hen with a Ayam Cemani rooster that has white on him! This is Orange 2!

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