Baby chick fell in pool, no clue how long HELPPP


Jan 10, 2020
hey so i went out this morning to my run and one of my 6 week old chicks was in the duck pool. i quickly scooped her. up and shes on a heating pad and im blow drying her on a low setting. she seems EXTREMELY tired. shes keeping her eyes shut, but still peeping. she seems very off balance as well. what should i do ??
Keep her warm and dry. Putting another chick with her will help prevent shock getting worse; only if she gets along with the other chick. If the shock hasn't gone too far she should be OK.
She's in shock and possibly hypothermic. Flip her on her back and direct the warm blow dryer to her belly and wing pits. This warms the entire body through a vast network of blood vessels in those areas.

When she's dry, give her warm electrolytes or warm sugar water with a pinch of salt and baking soda to treat for shock.
Thank you all so much. She started to pant so i removed the hairdryer and now shes laying on the heating pad which i put on the lowest setting. She took some sips of the warm sugar water and seems to be feeling a bit better. I also brought in one of her sisters which seemed to make her perk up. She’s still very unbalanced but she stood up for a second and immediately laid back down
The balance issue is a direct sign of shock. Continue the warm sugar water and salt and baking soda to counter it. (Or warm Gartoraid). I would give her some every hour all day today until she's behaving normally. Shock can kill, so be aggressive with this treatment or you could still lose her.

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